Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):
You helped organize the Fedora booth for FLISOL 2018! Thanks for your help.
Help the badges team understand what this idea is all about. If this badge is awarded for certain kinds of activities:
See previous badge in series:
Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts?
Note for badge-pusher:
Please award this badge to @bt0dotninja
Also award to:
User:Deivi25 | David López | organizer User:maryonday | Maryon Torres | organizer User:potty |Abdel Martinez | organizer User:Josereyesjdi|José Reyes | organizer / speaker User:Aeperezt|Alejandro Pérez | organizer
Metadata Update from @bex: - Custom field artwork adjusted to None - Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None
<img alt="flisol_organizer_2018.svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/c247f7927b250d6401a92e423b78722097cb5246686f57f0275fc9c00799682a-flisol_organizer_2018.svg" /><img alt="flisol_organizer_2018.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/0588e474f39c657fa504b6c16fce8f9816762939a9705427732c887bde7cb8af-flisol_organizer_2018.png" />
Metadata Update from @mleonova: - Issue assigned to mleonova
Metadata Update from @mleonova: - Issue tagged with: artwork-easy, ready to push
Metadata Update from @mleonova: - Custom field artwork adjusted to approved (was: None)
Setting artwork to approved.
We need to discuss this. We have been having a policy of one badge per event, the only event we are currently having more than one badge for is Flock. We've been turning down request from other events for multiple badges, such as speaker, organizer, etc, but I guess we haven't communicated this change to the Flisol team.
@bex @mleonova @jflory7 @puiterwijk @bt0dotninja thoughts?
In principal I agree, however I'd like to see:
a) This documented somewhere findable. Does badges have non-sysadmin docs yet? b) An expansion of, if your badge is awarded more than 30 times for 2 successive events, you are allowed to separate out the contributors (organizers, speakers, etc.) from attendees. This way larger events can allow for extra recognition.
@bex I don’t believe we have a non sysadmin docs for badges- but @nb or @jflory7 might have a more definitive answer on that. I’d be happy to help work on content for that from the design side.
From my understanding, their are multiple reasons we don’t have multiple badges for events outside of flock. - main reason being event badges can be somewhat exclusionary- as people who are unable to travel for whatever reason will never be able to earn these badges - if we have multiple badges for multiple events every year, event badges would outnumber other badges. This is not necessarily a horrible thing but imo it is better to encourage participation across the board versus just rewarding people for event attendance (this ties back into first point as well) - more work for badge artists/admins. Takes time away from working on badges for other areas of participation.
All that being said, I think larger events and those who put in the work to make them happen deserve recognition. Maybe we can create a short list of events we feel are eligible for this and ask growing events to “apply” for more than one badge?
Would like to hear other people’s thoughts! @mleonova @churchyard
I will work on documenting our policy somewhere. Currently I feel that the only event that is eligible for more than one badge is Flock. DevConf.CZ is probably the other event with the most badges awarded, and has had multiple badges in the past, but almost all of the people who received the attendee badge also received the speaker badge, so I do not think there needs to be a speaker badge for that event, either. I am closing this ticket.
Metadata Update from @nb: - Issue close_status updated to: declined - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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