badge for attending Fedora social hours, see attached draft! <img alt="socialhour_2020.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/f672f4352181d1a838a733c24e9489b00cef9d142ae444c5c52b915d3b8473a5-socialhour_2020.png" /> <img alt="socialhour_2020.svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/11f80b2b20702e8363d414f1c1728e3d037c69487d80903b6302a6263c968a1d-socialhour_2020.svg" />
<img alt="socialhour_2020.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/65636c98d5b73e875c86ca8236e1408e4d1562c60cf7cdc8c80bacf2163efdcb-socialhour_2020.png" />
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field artwork adjusted to None - Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None
<img alt="socialhour_2020.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/ad5daa88fcd1e4fbccdbcb1a9f280135625145afaac14f9ac997a735d032a4a7-socialhour_2020.png" />
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue tagged with: artwork - approved, ready to push
please give manual awarding rights to: mattdm, duffy, riecatnor
attendees for 5/2: - Marie Nordin (riecatnor) - Mairin Duffy (duffy) - Matthew Miller (mattdm) - Neal Gompa (Conan Kudo) - Joseph Marrero (jmarrero) - Nasir Hussain (nasirhm) - Rasmus Kallas (jtagcat) - Alex Callejas (darkaxl017) - Aaron (ukbeast89) - Carl (carlwgeorge) -Rahul Otwani(rahulotwani)
I attended as well as douglax, my fas account is aacosta :)
I wasn't able to make it to the pad (due to usage of different integration server in riot) Username there: as well as the FAS account Sheogorath :)
I was there too! My username there was smeragoel and my FAS account is also smeragoel :D
<img alt="socialhour_2020.svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/1e6f696e7739bceaf5294e58e7adfc96b7d7a9eb07c300f5d9be0333166ed2d3-socialhour_2020.svg" />
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Custom field artwork adjusted to approved (was: None) - Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to passed (was: None) - Custom field has_description adjusted to on - Custom field has_name adjusted to on - Custom field needs_manual_award adjusted to on - Custom field triaged adjusted to on
Badge assets and rule pushed in #734. Badge is now live on the Badges site. Per request in IRC, I gave authorization to a few folks.
Closing as pushed. :clapper:
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue close_status updated to: pushed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
I also awarded the badge to everyone on the list. However, I couldn't award it to ukbeast89. Doesn't seem like that's a valid FAS account, or they have never logged into the Badges app.
Has attended 2-3 times
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