#813 Badge for attending Fedora Linux 34 Release Party
Closed: pushed 3 years ago by computerkid. Opened 3 years ago by riecatnor.

Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):
- You attended the F34 Virtual Release Party!

Help the badges team understand what this idea is all about. If this badge is
awarded for certain kinds of activities:

1) What are those activities?
- attending the f34 release party: https://hopin.com/events/fedora-linux-34-release-party

2) Who is doing them (are they packagers? translators? newcomers? veterans?
users? sponsors?)
- everyone in the community

3) Why are they doing them (is this a means to a different end?)
- to learn about the latest and greatest in fedora, to socialize

4) When do they do them (every day? once a year?)
- twice a year

5) How do they do them (by talking in IRC? by running commands in the console?
by using a web interface?)
- by getting together in person or virtually

Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts?
- update this artwork: https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/786 to say 34

If @riecatnor is okay with this it looks right to me. I'll push it.

Metadata Update from @computerkid:
- Custom field artwork adjusted to None
- Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None

3 years ago

Hey badge designers! Thanks for all the work here! All we needed to change was "33" to "34" - approved to use the art from https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/813#comment-728455


Please give award rights to @riecatnor @nb @siddharthvipul1

Metadata Update from @computerkid:
- Issue close_status updated to: pushed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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