Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"): - You attended DevConf.CZ 2022 virtually!
Help the badges team understand what this idea is all about. If this badge is awarded for certain kinds of activities:
What are those activities? - Attending DevConf.CZ 2022
Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts? - Let's update the DevConf.CZ attendee badge from years past:
Here is the updated artwork, all set to push. Please give award rights to @riecatnor @dvolavko & @bcotton
<img alt="dev-conf-cz-attendee-2022.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/50e15729ee5f2c513e97785186241e63d7d3648d3489988e76f716f3846fa02d-dev-conf-cz-attendee-2022.png" /><img alt="dev-conf-cz-attendee-2022.svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/098a6805f961c85aaa395fd44b61de236a27254ee52e267bb1f6dddfd09f538b-dev-conf-cz-attendee-2022.svg" />
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field artwork adjusted to None - Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field artwork adjusted to approved (was: None) - Issue tagged with: artwork - approved, category - event, ready to push
Metadata Update from @nb: - Issue assigned to nb
this is all set, thanks @nb!
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue close_status updated to: fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
@riecatnor, @dvolavko, @bcotton I'm joining this event. <img alt="Screenshot_2022-01-28-13-12-39-69_3ad329a8cdd8304d208c1deb4f57ad67.jpg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/b83df89fb758a0a562fc53397ff58a793b44aa623cba69d4c3126c2f539b5f9b-Screenshot_2022-01-28-13-12-39-69_3ad329a8cdd8304d208c1deb4f57ad67.jpg" />
@riecatnor from 2022 do we have a badge for this event?
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