Fedora Badges is getting to be old! That means that over the years we have run into some inconsistencies with the artwork. These inconsistencies come down to three main categories: - Artwork does not follow style guide - Artwork needs improvement
This work needs to be coordinated on a pretty large scale as we have over 500 badges at this point. In order to ensure cohesion we are going to work in phases. Phase 1: Identify artwork that needs updating Phase 2: Update art
Recommendation to be given once Phase 1 is complete
[0] https://badges.fedoraproject.org/explore/badges [1] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/badges/_attachments/fedora-badges-style-guide.pdf
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field artwork adjusted to None - Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None - Issue tagged with: outreachy-2022
Here's something I'd like to think about that I guess roughly falls under "style" and "needs improvement". A number of the badges have art and names which are clearly inspired by 1970s kung fu movies, and similar. This can be fun (and obviously badges should be fun!), but we should also be careful that the art (and even the names!) do not fall into caricature or use non-Western philosophy and religion as an "exotic other".
Hello @smeragoel @riecatnor, please I would like to work on this ticket. Thank you!
Hello @ikumena! You can start working on this ticket. All the best. Do let me know if you have any questions! :)
Hello @smeragoel @riecatnor as per number 2 in phase 1, I just want to confirm that this is the badge index page being referred to https://badges.fedoraproject.org/explore/badges ?
HI @ikumena you are correct- the description was missing a link. I updated that. Thank you for checking in!
Hello @riecatnor @smeragoel Regarding number 3 in Phase 1, am I to paste a link for only one badge and then await instructions for phase 2? or do I paste links for all identified badges and then move on to phase 2? Because I have completed number 2 for the content/learning category.
Hi @riecatnor @smeragoel, please I would love to work on this ticket. Thank you.
Helloo, I'll like to work on this as well! THANKS
Hi @coref @omogho35 maybe we can work together? I started Phase 1, there are a lot of badges so I'm not done of course, but maybe we split it by category and work from there? I'm waiting on a reply from @riecatnor or @smeragoel regarding Phase 2.
@smeragoel can you pls assign task #863 issue to me so that I can work on it
That's fine by me. Thank you!
Okay. Let's wait for thier approval!.
Hi @coref @omogho35 maybe we can work together? I started Phase 1, there are a lot of badges so I'm not done of course, but maybe we split it by category and work from there? I'm waiting on a reply from @riecatnor or @smeragoel regarding Phase 2. That's fine by me. Thank you! Ok. Let's wait for thier approval!
That's fine by me. Thank you! Ok. Let's wait for thier approval!
Hello @smeragoel @riecatnor I would like to work on this issue.Thank you!
That's a good idea, I will work on community badges
Okay @coref @omogho35 I think we should just start, since our mentors have not been able to reply yet. @mouni-1729 has said they'll work on the community badges category, I'm working on the content/learning category. What category would you guys like to work on @coref @omogho35 ? that way we'll get the issue resolved faster.
Hi folks, thanks for starting work here, everyone is able to join in and collaborate :)
What should be done currently is to identify badges that need improvement, maybe the art just doesnt look great, or it is hard to read, or it is the incorrect size. Once you have identified the badges that need improvement, make a comment here with the link to the badge and a description of what needs to be improved on. No updating the artwork at this time. Hope that helps!
Hi folks, thanks for starting work here, everyone is able to join in and collaborate :) What should be done currently is to identify badges that need improvement, maybe the art just doesnt look great, or it is hard to read, or it is the incorrect size. Once you have identified the badges that need improvement, make a comment here with the link to the badge and a description of what needs to be improved on. No updating the artwork at this time. Hope that helps!
Yes, Is clear now. Thank you.
@riecatnor I want to work on these two badges.
https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/froscon-2015-attendee https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/froscon-2017-attendee
A light color text was used on light color background. A dark color text should be used on a light color background for better contrast.
https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fad-phnom-penh-2014-attendee https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/pycon-2016-attendee https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fisl-2016 https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/hackmit-2016-attendee https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/flock-2013-organizer https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fudcon-phnom-penh-2016-organizer
These badges' background color, background pattern, and background specialty are different from what is stated in the style guide. Event badges have a grey background, also a dark blue background, a glow, and a presenter in the style guide.
Pls, I would like to work on development badges
@ikumena let me check and signal here please
@ikumena @omogho35, I'll take the content badges series and work on. The others can choose the other badges and correct them
https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/four-badgers-design-team-i https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/pop-badger-design-team-iii https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/portrait-of-badger-design-team-iv https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/persistence-of-badger-design-team-v
The above badges do not seem to follow the Fedora Badge anatomy, there is no background color or pattern. The graphic entirely covers the space within the colored ring. This makes it difficult to identify it's sub-category. They are all in the same series though, so I do not know if this is a special badge design theme. If this is the case, perhaps there should be an indication somewhere in the badge info?
Side Note: There seems to be a badge missing from the series. The badges start from (Design Team I) - (Design Team V), but there is no badge from (Design Team II)?
https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/prolific%21 https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/grandmaster-editor https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/chief-editor
I think the artwork on these badges need some improvement. Maybe we could add the Fedora Logo? Also maybe dark outlines? Just some things to uplift the design and make it a bit more fun & friendly.
https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/vitruvian-badger-badge-artist-v The background color on this does not really fit into any sub-category for Content/learning.
Hi folks! Thanks for all the work here :D I need to make some clarifications here, and I think this was my mistake to not outline this earlier. Also I should note the badges style guide is from 2014 and definitely needs updates- so while we refer to that for a lot of things, positive evolutions have happened with the artwork. I would also suggest that before deeming a badge needs improvement, to go to the original ticket to understand the background behind the art.
I think we have a couple different "styles" that are used in the badge art. One of the styles that we use is full illustrations (such as the badges artist and design artist series) and these do not need to follow the style guide exactly with background colors, and patterns, etc. They fall into the badges aesthetic and are quite clever and interesting to look at, as well. Think about it like this: the style guide shows the bare minimum, and illustrations are going above and beyond, creating more interest, and make people enjoy badges art even more.
Based on the above comment, please re-review the badges you have selected as "needs-improvement".
@ikumena I agree the badge artwork from this comment could be improved. I wouldn't add the Fedora logo, but I think giving it some contrast with strokes and maybe simplifying a bit would be the right way to proceed! https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/863#comment-790214
@omogho35 based on my comments above, I think most of these are ok. I agree about the pycon badge tho - the text is too small. We can try to rework that one, but the event badges are a little bit funny because we are incorporating other brands into our designs- we have less room to make changes generally. Make sure to go back to the original ticket and understand the background behind the art.
DEVELOPMENT BADGES https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/proven-packager
The starburst pattern colour is not sharp or it is not dark enough. It is faded The stroke on the graphic is less than 1.5
The background colour is not among the background colours listed
https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/you-can-pry-it-from-my-cold%2C-undead-hands https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/the-cat-came-back… I think small graphic objects can be added to the badge to make it more appealing
Badges: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/what-goes-up...-koji-failure-iv https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/if-you-build-it...-koji-success-iv https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/what-goes-up...-koji-failure-iii https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/what-goes-up...-koji-failure-i https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-ii https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/what-goes-up...-koji-failure-ii https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-iv
All need a dark outline on the light background
Badges: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/the-write-stuff https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/binary-star
Use a stroke of 1.5 or more on the spiral graphic image
Thank you so much @riecatnor for your review. My mistake about thinking the design team & badge artist series weren't following the style guide, I should have read the original tickets. Thank you for pointing out their unique backgrounds. I will make sure to study badges original tickets from now on for better understanding if the art seems unclear.
As per your advice, I added strokes to the badges. I think the graphic stands out a bit more now. Please let me know what you think of this. <img alt="wiki500edit.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/379025deb9998af1f6310a14236c3cdef9a121088bd596ccc4bf785be6812f2e-wiki500edit.png" /><img alt="wiki250.svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/902c7106da22209a965d12213ade7b88f9cad1c1597c633b4038bc69eec9dee8-wiki250.svg" /><img alt="wiki250edit.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/9f0302855abef9681171d133b3d4b87e898bfdd785be89db077183982c30c053-wiki250edit.png" /><img alt="wiki500.svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/5ea25ac2a145837912373bef7e96ce3c0bda25b7a193be8e57fb45c3d2cc1986-wiki500.svg" />
Hi folks! Thanks for all the work here :D I need to make some clarifications here, and I think this was my mistake to not outline this earlier. Also I should note the badges style guide is from 2014 and definitely needs updates- so while we refer to that for a lot of things, positive evolutions have happened with the artwork. I would also suggest that before deeming a badge needs improvement, to go to the original ticket to understand the background behind the art. I think we have a couple different "styles" that are used in the badge art. One of the styles that we use is full illustrations (such as the badges artist and design artist series) and these do not need to follow the style guide exactly with background colors, and patterns, etc. They fall into the badges aesthetic and are quite clever and interesting to look at, as well. Think about it like this: the style guide shows the bare minimum, and illustrations are going above and beyond, creating more interest, and make people enjoy badges art even more. Based on the above comment, please re-review the badges you have selected as "needs-improvement". @ikumena I agree the badge artwork from this comment could be improved. I wouldn't add the Fedora logo, but I think giving it some contrast with strokes and maybe simplifying a bit would be the right way to proceed! https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/863#comment-790214 @omogho35 based on my comments above, I think most of these are ok. I agree about the pycon badge tho - the text is too small. We can try to rework that one, but the event badges are a little bit funny because we are incorporating other brands into our designs- we have less room to make changes generally. Make sure to go back to the original ticket and understand the background behind the art.
Okay, Thank you.
Hi folks- A note for everyone, let's just work on identifying which need updates for now. If we mix in new designs on this ticket, the ticket will become very long and things will get confusing quickly. More specific notes below :)
@crisoal I agree this one needs improvement- the stroke on the packages look very close to 1.5, but they are blending into the background, and the ray colors don't look great together.
When you say background colors listed, you are referring to the style guide? Looking at the style guide I see there is a tan color for infrastructure related tickets, my guess is that didn't blend well with the design. I am not a huge fan of that tan color, and if others agree, we might want to update all the infra badges with a new background.
I think I disagree about adding things to either of these badges, though I do think "the cat came back" badge could potentially use some color improvements. Usually we want to make things as simple as possible, the "you can pry it" badge already has a lot of details in there!
https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/you-can-pry-it-from-my-cold%2C-undead-hands https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/the-cat-came-back…
I agree these could used to be improved as a set, not sure if we need to change the outline, or maybe we can change the background?
https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/what-goes-up...-koji-failure-iv https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/if-you-build-it...-koji-success-iv https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/what-goes-up...-koji-failure-iii https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/what-goes-up...-koji-failure-i https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-ii https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/what-goes-up...-koji-failure-ii https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-iv
This one is going outside the badge area so it will need an update
I agree this could be improved, but I am not sure we want to add a stroke on the spiral. I think we should take a look at all the bodhi badges and see whats working and whats not, and improve them as a set so they match well
@ikumena this is a good start! As I mentioned above, let's hold on making improvements for now to keep the ticket focused. I will provide some feedback tho! - The stroke is nice, but I think you can increase it even more, this might mean you want to simplify the objects more as well- here is a nice example of a very simple paintbrush: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/badger-padawan - I think we can brighten up the design by using a lighter set of blues, try a lighter fedora blue and the blue you are using for the fill as the stroke color
Hi folks- A note for everyone, let's just work on identifying which need updates for now. If we mix in new designs on this ticket, the ticket will become very long and things will get confusing quickly. More specific notes below :) @crisoal I agree this one needs improvement- the stroke on the packages look very close to 1.5, but they are blending into the background, and the ray colors don't look great together. https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/proven-packager When you say background colors listed, you are referring to the style guide? Looking at the style guide I see there is a tan color for infrastructure related tickets, my guess is that didn't blend well with the design. I am not a huge fan of that tan color, and if others agree, we might want to update all the infra badges with a new background. https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/no-longer-a-ronin I think I disagree about adding things to either of these badges, though I do think "the cat came back" badge could potentially use some color improvements. Usually we want to make things as simple as possible, the "you can pry it" badge already has a lot of details in there! https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/you-can-pry-it-from-my-cold%2C-undead-hands https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/the-cat-came-back… I agree these could used to be improved as a set, not sure if we need to change the outline, or maybe we can change the background? https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/what-goes-up...-koji-failure-iv https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/if-you-build-it...-koji-success-iv https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/what-goes-up...-koji-failure-iii https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/what-goes-up...-koji-failure-i https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-ii https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/what-goes-up...-koji-failure-ii https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-iv This one is going outside the badge area so it will need an update https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/the-write-stuff I agree this could be improved, but I am not sure we want to add a stroke on the spiral. I think we should take a look at all the bodhi badges and see whats working and whats not, and improve them as a set so they match well https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/binary-star @ikumena this is a good start! As I mentioned above, let's hold on making improvements for now to keep the ticket focused. I will provide some feedback tho! - The stroke is nice, but I think you can increase it even more, this might mean you want to simplify the objects more as well- here is a nice example of a very simple paintbrush: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/badger-padawan - I think we can brighten up the design by using a lighter set of blues, try a lighter fedora blue and the blue you are using for the fill as the stroke color
Okay, thank you for your feedback! I'll try out your suggestions, without posting, since they aren't needed yet. Should I go over the badges again to see if I can Identify any more?
Hello, @smeragoel @riecatnor I've worked on this badges, kindly review it. Thanks!
Here's the link to the previous badges. I increased the text as you suggested after I identify the badges that need improvement.
I added some content and gave the froggy a brighter eye color to make it look captivating and creative.
<img alt="Froscon_2017.............png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/e552273b25a88c7651bca18c24b68a0373ae8cf9416779a4bc7f5b0affd9a653-Froscon_2017.............png" /> <img alt="Froscon_2017......svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/eca5384cd56e1b18deae4b7178de56740a00de796c3019e201e2e6a45dff1063-Froscon_2017......svg" />
This is for frOSCon 2015.
<img alt="Froscon_2015............png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/0512933545feecc7d6f318a0102afbeb8153ea65041eec6fac4c30e393ab9a84-Froscon_2015............png" /> <img alt="Froscon_2015.....svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/d897ce1382eca5e362abec28441b31c728ffd8d861e0a2cb08562af3e4009866-Froscon_2015.....svg" />
Hey @riecatnor, please take a look and give your feedback, thanks. <img alt="pencil_1.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/671c9c20b1f772f035d0b24b1b9523e5cb38dffc1f81b8096d46cc6a73251fe3-pencil_1.png" /> <img alt="pencil_2.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/35205d96e80daee45b66dc16a57a827b238b7857e88219eacb6f46e14c4b35e2-pencil_2.png" /> <img alt="pencil_3.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/a6c920d8f63e84a1d51376f93fe041b7a1122065c2315969795364e7c8ea099d-pencil_3.png" /> <img alt="pencil_4.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/cb76c18e9a430d88e5067c18ed283f996a3def818269c73d48927ae796862d6c-pencil_4.png" /> <img alt="pencil_5.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/3ca633b3467f1ab1c4006c30369659a064747d2cea736dd2088845583a0ff719-pencil_5.png" />
@omogho35 to clarify, right now, the task is only to IDENTIFY the badges that need improvement. Please refrain from updating the art and posting it here, as the ticket is becoming too long and confusing. We'll update the artwork once we get to that step of the process :)
okay. thanks for the feedback
@smeragoel If my work has been reviewed, does it mean that the work has been accepted?
Metadata Update from @smeragoel: - Issue untagged with: outreachy-2023
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