It was suggested by @duffy that I open a ticket here for CSS/design help using the core of these files.
I am using the templating work done for the test documentation site ( for the Fedora Budget site.
The footer is not displaying correctly and it would be great to get it fixed. You can see a test site at:
You can find the code at
Regarding PR:
I like the logo file. Thank you.
I did a test and didn't see what I was expecting in the footer. I am basing my expectations on
Here is what I expected:
<img alt="expected.png" src="/fedora-bootstrap/issue/raw/files/ace14a3cafe004bcbd82b4340385296b471e58fa21f8b080590014656394de58-expected.png" />
Here is what I got:
<img alt="got.png" src="/fedora-bootstrap/issue/raw/files/835e0c3d6d04e4f8b69bdcdf3b02309609da7c0f92dbbf27563f09c1708cdf5f-got.png" />
I have never really used that large footer in any Fedora-bootstrap deployments yet, so will have to convert it over to the new darker style.
Also, the font doesnt seem to be working either, do you have this hosted somewhere so i can have a look at the code?
I look to you for guidance on what should be in the footer for a normal web site for Fedora. I was basing this one on the work you had done for the Documentation site we were working on (and need to return to after this one :P)
I don't have the code hosted anywhere you can edit it. I can put it online if you just want to surf to it.
You can also build it by running
git checkout master git merge your_branch asciibinder package cd _package/main mv budget/* . ; accept all overwrites ignore the error about _images docker run -p 3000:80 -v /path/to/cwd:/var/www/html:Z fedora/apache firefox localhost:3000
Fixed in
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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