#4 The community is what make the difference
Closed: archived 5 years ago by jflory7. Opened 6 years ago by x3mboy.

Template for Contributor Stories

About you

  • Name: Eduard Lucena
  • FAS username: x3mboy
  • Do you want to Remain anonymous? : No

About your story

  • Who is your story about?: MarĂ­a Leandro
  • What is their FAS username?: tatica


It was year 2009 and I move from my native city to Caracas.
I met tatica several years ago, in my college years, when I was trying to promote FLOSS in my university with my LUG and travel across the country with a national congress. She was also the photographer of my wedding.

At that time (2009) I was working with the Ubuntu Local Community and we were more focused in attend events and some installations.Once at Caracas I met with tatica to help with the organization of the FLISoL and she was the national coordinator. In that FLISoL I was representing Ubuntu and installing Ubuntu and I saw the Fedora stand, they were showing the stuff I usually do in my Ubuntu, but with Fedora, and that let me to think, I can try Fedora again (I knew Fedora Core 3 and 4 before, but I didn't found it interesting). After FLISoL, I was a little upset and tire about the Ubuntu Community because I was wanting to do more, more than just events, more than a personal blog, more than just show the distro, but I focused in my job and I started to get away from the community, but still using Linux at a daily basis.

Getting in touch with people at Caracas and nearby areas, I've attended to a meeting with one of the oldest hardcore communities in Venezuela, I knew several of the guys there, including tatica, in that meetng she invited me to the FUDCon that will be held in Valencia (2012). There I notice something that I never notice before, and it wasn't the event or the talks, It was the community itself that took my attention. There I have the chance of talk to several Ambassadors from Latam and to know how their work was actually affecting the distro, not only giving talks, but working in packaging, testing, coding, design, marketing and a lot of areas that actually helps the distro to grow, hand to hand with the community. That year I talked with tatica and told her I want to be part of this and I receive from her an advice that I still carry with me when I'm going to do something related to the community: "We are Friends, we have a Free, First and Feature distro to complete our 4 Foundations but the real gasoline that keep this engine going is the commitment. If you want to work with this awesome community be honest, be committed and be humble, that way you will gain trust in the community and things will be great both for you and for Fedora". After that year I was going in and out of the community until 2016 when I email her and told I want to be an Ambassador. She IS my mentor, she taught me how this wheel rolls and she still give me advices in times of despair. For that and more, my contributor story is about her. Thanks so much.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora Appreciation Week 2018

5 years ago

Hi, thank you for submitting a story for Fedora Appreciation Week 2018! We were happy to feature a number of stories on the Community Blog this year and you were a part of this effort.

You can find all 2018 Contributor Stories here.

Thanks again, and please consider sharing another story here for Appreciation Week 2019. :smile:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: archived
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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