#42 Update code of conduct (CoC) contact info to Fedora CoC / Fedora Council
Closed: complete 5 years ago by jflory7. Opened 6 years ago by bex.

This page sends people to the main happiness packets folks and should probably be updated to point to us


EDIT: See the Fedora Code of Conduct here: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/code-of-conduct/


I am an Outreachy applicant, and am keen to help out with this issue. May you please assign it to me?

Cheers :)

Metadata Update from @jonatoni:
- Issue assigned to rizwansyed357

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @rizwansyed357:
- Assignee reset

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: PASSED, difficulty - easy, good first issue, improvement, type - frontend

5 years ago

I edited the ticket to clarify the task. We should revise the parts about what code of conduct applies and what to do for abusive messages.

Instead of the Django Code of Conduct, we should link to the Fedora Code of Conduct instead since we are administrating the project. If someone receives abusive messages, they should open a new ticket at pagure.io/coc.

These changes should be reflected in the FAQ page.

@rizwansyed357 Are you still interested in working on this?

@jflory7 Hello, I would like to be assigned this bug if @rizwansyed357 is no longer interested. Thank you.

Hi @jflory7 , I am no longer interested in working on this issue. Please do reassign as you wish. Cheers

@rizwansyed357 Thanks for the update. :thumbsup:

@ecarr You can start working on this one.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue assigned to ecarr

5 years ago

Hii @ecarr
Are you working on this issue? If not I would like to work on it :)

Hii @ecarr
Are you working on this issue? If not I would like to work on it :)

@sanjana11147 Yes Im still on it

@sanjana11147 Hi, try checking out #100 and #103 for getting started! :smile:

Hi @ecarr, how are things going? Anything we can do to help or offer guidance?

Hi @ecarr, how are things going? Anything we can do to help or offer guidance?

Hello @jflory7, I appreciate your offer and would like to thank you for initially assigning this bug to me. Unfortunately, it took me a little longer to get my system configured than I expected. Due to other commitments at the time, I feel I should allow others to take on this bug. Thanks again for everything.

Metadata Update from @ecarr:
- Assignee reset

5 years ago

@sanjana11147 Are you still interested in taking this up..???

Hii @phoenixabhishek I think it's better if I move onto other issue. Someone else can work on it.

@ecarr No worries, it happens. Thanks for following up regardless. :thumbsup:

This ticket is open for someone to work on. I would prefer for this ticket to be worked on by someone who does not already have an open ticket assigned to them. :grin:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue tagged with: help wanted

5 years ago

Hey @jflory7 . I would like to work on this issue . Could you inform in detail what the task demands since the template format is not follwed?

@alishapapun Good question. Actually I think it helps to figure out what the copytext should say exactly. @bex, could you clarify on what text you would like to see here for the Fedora CoC? Since this ticket was opened seven months ago and I believe there were changes to the process since then, I want to make sure this is accurately captured.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: help wanted
- Issue assigned to bex

5 years ago

I am on a mobile device while my laptop is down, so let me know if I missed something when trying to read this. I believe you’re asking for text for this question: I received an abusive message, what should I do?

This question should suggest that the person review the Fedora Code of Conduct and the link to it. That document should be updated (and is being worked) to share the reporting procedure. Let’s not hard code anything in this site otherwise we have to constantly remember to update it.

Let’s not hard code anything in this site otherwise we have to constantly remember to update it.

Okay, makes sense. We can probably reduce the copytext that is there currently and make a simple pointer message that messages sent are expected to comply with the Fedora Code of Conduct.

I'll open this one up for someone to work on. @bex, will ping you again when there is a PR ready to review. :smiley:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Assignee reset
- Issue tagged with: help wanted

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Custom field Requirement # adjusted to 36

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @shraddhaag:
- Issue assigned to shraddhaag

5 years ago

@jflory7 I updated the CoC to Fedora's CoC here and here in PR #241. I also think we should update this to acknowledge Fedora fork and the thought behind it.

@shraddhaag +1 on updating the about-page text to acknowledge our fork and its motivation. Could you please file a new issue for this one?

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: help wanted
- Issue set to the milestone: Summer Coding 2019: phase 1

5 years ago

PR #241 is merged! :clapper: Closing this ticket as complete. Thanks for grabbing it @shraddhaag.

I also updated the project board since this knocked out requirement 36. :white_check_mark:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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