#100 Column Idea: Help Wanted Wednesday
Closed: Stale 6 years ago Opened 8 years ago by bex.

A recurring column for folks looking for contributor help (could run in magazine if better fit).

Describe the project and the specific help you want. What level of help? Can you mentor, etc.

These should be small blurbs and could possible be in a roundup format.

Sounds like a great idea. I'm just noting what I wrote on the ML here.

My only concern with this idea is that it'll require devs/project managers an extra step of work. At the moment, all one needs to do is use the easyfix tag, and that puts the ticket up on our list of easyfix tasks here. Do you think it would make more sense to first improve the visibility of the easyfix setup we already have going? Some ideas could be:

  • generate an rss feed from the easyfix page and add this to the magazine, commblog, and start.fp.o (something automated that doesn't require humans to do extra work)
  • badges for people that mark tickets as easyfix, and for those that take over these tasks (to reward people enabling people to join in, and people that help out by joining in)

Posts on easyfix for both the commblog and magazine have been on my todolist for weeks now. I just need the time to get it all done!

Sounds like a great idea. I'm just noting what I wrote on the ML here.
My only concern with this idea is that it'll require devs/project managers an extra step of work. At the moment, all one needs to do is use the easyfix tag, and that puts the ticket up on our list of easyfix tasks here.

I have a different target and objective. I see easy fix as something that works great for those who:

  • manage to find and understand the page
  • have the stamina to keep coming back and looking over and over until they find a bug they like
  • are confident enough to get started on their own

I don't believe every potential contributor has the attributes from day one. I also believe that we have tasks that are bigger than an easyfix but aren't hard. Lastly, I believe we have tasks that people would happily provide mentoring or other support on.

Therefore, this column is designed for tasks which:

  • have someone willing to provide a personal point of contact for getting started
  • may be larger than an easyfix but still "easy"
  • may need specialized knowledge or skills
  • has someone who wants to champion it or "shed light on it" to increase the likelihood of it being done
  • are easyfix bugs that someone wants to get greater exposure

Do you think it would make more sense to first improve the visibility of the easyfix setup we already have going? Some ideas could be:

In general, the answer to "should we improve the visibility of X?" is always yes :)

generate an rss feed from the easyfix page and add this to the magazine, commblog, and start.fp.o (something automated that doesn't require humans to do extra work)


badges for people that mark tickets as easyfix, and for those that take over these tasks (to reward people enabling people to join in, and people that help out by joining in)

I can see this. I think doing an easyfix should be only awarded once. There should be a counter style badge for marking/creating them.

Posts on easyfix for both the commblog and magazine have been on my todolist for weeks now. I just need the time to get it all done!


I have a different target and objective. I see easy fix as something that works great for those who:

  • manage to find and understand the page
  • have the stamina to keep coming back and looking over and over until they find a bug they like
  • are confident enough to get started on their own

I don't believe every potential contributor has the attributes from day one. I also believe that we have tasks that are bigger than an easyfix but aren't hard. Lastly, I believe we have tasks that people would happily provide mentoring or other support on.

Therefore, this column is designed for tasks which:

  • have someone willing to provide a personal point of contact for getting started
  • may be larger than an easyfix but still "easy"
  • may need specialized knowledge or skills
  • has someone who wants to champion it or "shed light on it" to increase the likelihood of it being done
  • are easyfix bugs that someone wants to get greater exposure

I can't understate how accurate the above is. I've just recently been able to contribute to Fedora for the first time (three small items: two badges and one magazine image), but I've wanted to contribute for five years. I actually had 3-4 previous attempts and couldn't get through the steps to actually do it (and it should be noted that Fedora is actually good about advertising that they're interested in contributors in a wide variety of areas).

Even when I could find the page and generally understand what was being asked for I couldn't contribute because I needed to (short, incomplete list to follow:)

  1. Sign up for a pagure account.
  2. Sign up for a Fedora account.
  3. Learn git. ( :scream: )
  4. Sign a contributor agreement.
  5. Generate a public key.
  6. Find that special place where I put my public key on pagure.
  7. :tired_face: Oops! learn Trac (that's where badges are, silly me...)
  8. and on and on...

My expectation was something like this:

  1. Click "Contribute"
  2. Click "Design"
  3. Read through a list of unassigned projects/requests (maybe with "easy" or "newbie" or "Hello, Fedora!" sorting for identification of stuff for new contributors).
  4. Choose one
  5. Design it.
  6. Upload my design
  7. Enter engaging conversation with other contributors where I learn to make it better.
  8. Repeat until I feel I belong.

I'm not there yet. A mentor would be a serious help because the next step (even for the confusing process) wouldn't be a mystery I'd have to solve on my own in order to contribute. When I clicked 5 years ago I wanted to contribute, but it took me 4 years to actually do it and I've only yet done 3 very small things.

Also, as a next step that would help: someone saying, "Hey, why don't you try to do Issue #xxx?"

Thank you for Fedora. Thank you for talking about these things and making it easier to contribute! Willing to talk more about this if it's helpful.

Maybe the wiki should have a series of articles or resources on the steps to take for contributors. Even a check list might be helpful.

Maybe the wiki should have a series of articles or resources on the steps to take for contributors. Even a check list might be helpful.

I like this idea, but I'd like to see it published somewhere more durable than our wiki.

Possible to do a video tutorial walkthrough of some of the steps?

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: no deadline
- Issue set to the milestone: Future releases
- Issue tagged with: community blog, onboarding

7 years ago

Quick FAD discussion:

  • Creating template for other teams to write their own
  • Creating repo for teams to file tickets for us to aggregate and post

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 28 (to May 2018) (was: Future releases)
- Issue tagged with: meeting

7 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: meeting

7 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue set to the milestone: Future releases (was: Fedora 28 (to May 2018))

6 years ago

Closing ticket: stale

This ticket was opened 17 months ago and has not momentum or interest for appx. 15 months. To help the CommOps team move forward with other current goals and objectives, I am closing this issue as stale. In the future, if there is more bandwidth or interest, we can revisit. Preferably, if we want to revisit this ticket, we can create new tickets for smaller ideas to make something like this possible.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: Stale
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 29 (to Oct. 2018) (was: Future releases)
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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