#155 Fedora Podcast Episode
Closed: Stale 3 years ago by jflory7. Opened 6 years ago by x3mboy.

Hello CommOps,

As most of you know, I'm running the Fedora Podcast and I'm interested in running an episode to talk about the Community Operations team.

We can use this ticket as a tracker to make the planning date and the "Script" we could use in the interview.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: minor (3-4 weeks) (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 29 (to Oct. 2018)
- Issue tagged with: needs feedback, outreach

6 years ago

@x3mboy What is the easiest way to start with this? Should we work on a rough script of questions to ask the CommOps team and figure out the direction we want to take the podcast in?

@jflory7 Well, if we want to work on this quickly, we can work on 2 fronts:

  • Interviewers (Including planning who and when)
  • Script

For the script there is a rough quick script that I use (e.g. when I have no idea about the topic, like I did with Modularity):

  • Introduction of people (normally done by me, just need a little bio that can be share here or via email)
  • What it the team/project/thing? / What they do?
  • Going deep in the topic/"description of team"
  • History (if apply)
  • Onboarding process
  • Conclusion and last words to the public

If you want to expand or goes through a specific direction, we should work in a more proper and deep script, e.g. D&I Team. A good idea that just comes to mind is, instead of talking about the history of the team, we can talk about some specific goal, or some exciting thing that is being worked right now.

I normally work in a 1 hour's session, this includes the time while we setted up everything, and the running time should be between 20 to 30 minutes.

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue untagged with: needs feedback, outreach
- Issue priority set to: awaiting triage (was: minor (3-4 weeks))
- Issue set to the milestone: None (was: Fedora 29 (to Oct. 2018))

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: minor (3-4 weeks) (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 29 (to Oct. 2018)
- Issue tagged with: help wanted, meeting, needs feedback, outreach

6 years ago

Discussed in 2018-04-30 meeting.

Creating outline / rough script

Before we think about recording, we need to lock down our content. To prepare for the podcast, we need a short outline of questions or list of topics we want to cover during the interview. It doesn't need to be extensive or long, but enough to help us know how we want to guide and shape the interview with @x3mboy about the CommOps team.

@bt0dotninja will prepare an outline / rough script of the interview before our Monday, May 14th meeting. At the May 14th meeting, the plan is to approve the outline and then schedule a date and time with @x3mboy and anyone from CommOps who wants to participate.

We will revisit this ticket at the May 14th meeting.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: help wanted, next meeting
- Issue assigned to bt0dotninja
- Issue priority set to: normal (1-2 weeks) (was: minor (3-4 weeks))

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja:
- Issue tagged with: next meeting

6 years ago

Following up from this post on the mailing list.

I made some edits to the Etherpad last week. I think we're ready to record with @x3mboy.

@bt0dotninja, since you did a lot of work on the script, do you want to find a time for you and me to conduct the interview with @x3mboy? I think the script is finished enough where we can move ahead with scheduling a recording. It will be tricky to find a time for all three of us to record, but at least we are all in the same hemisphere. :sweat_smile:

@bt0dotninja Is there a day and time that works best for you in the coming week or two? Generally, I can take 45 minutes during my work day (08:30-17:30 UTC-5) to do the interview. Otherwise, I could do it later, after 18:00 UTC-5. For this coming week, I can only do Monday and Tuesday at any of the listed times, or Wednesday during working hours. I am more flexible the following week if we can't find a time this week to do it.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: next meeting
- Issue tagged with: team - commops, team - marketing

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue assigned to x3mboy (was: bt0dotninja)
- Issue priority set to: minor (3-4 weeks) (was: normal (1-2 weeks))

5 years ago

@x3mboy Do you have availability this month to record the interview for the podcast with me and @bt0dotninja? Sorry this fell off the agenda!

We can also coordinate this in IRC / Telegram in #fedora-commops.

Discussed in 2018-09-19 meeting.

@bt0dotninja, @x3mboy, and I planned to follow up and record the episode on Thursday, Sept. 20 at 20:30 UTC. Since the script is already written, it should be easy to jump back in where we left off.

We tried to meet today for the fifth or sixth time to record this, but we were not all available to record. Getting all three of us together for an hour in the week is proving to be an insurmountable challenge. Since we are facing calendar difficulties, I suggest we take this from a different angle.

@x3mboy: Can @bt0dotninja and I record snippets of the interview script and send the audio files to you to piece together? How can we move forward with the podcast? Is there a way we can do this asynchronously?

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: needs review (was: waiting on assignee)
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 30 (to May 2019) (was: Fedora 29 (to Oct. 2018))

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: needs info
- Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: needs review)

5 years ago

@x3mboy and @jflory7 I hope we'll see this episode as well as a podcast website.

Thank you for doing all this work @x3mboy - would it be possible to use a better intro to the podcast, this overly robotic voice can be a bit uneasy to listen to.

If you have a pagure project on the podcast itself maybe one could add this as an issue there. Actually I like the idea to a have a different voice in the intro (a human voice though) since it gives the impression of a bigger production quality, i think. Maybe if you could find some other members with a good voice and a good mic that could read and record the intro for you which would keep things more engaging.

I think you're doing an amazing job btw.

O.T: do you use a compressor for the audio and what type of workflow and post-processing do you use? - would be happy to read it as an issue or even listen as one of the future episodes, asking this since I'm interested in the technical aspects of podcasting.

The show "RadioLab" has a nice trick they do with the credits... each word of the announcement is spoken by a different person so you get lots of voices in sequence: young, old, male, female, accents, etc.

@x3mboy and @jflory7 I hope we'll see this episode as well as a podcast website.
Thank you for doing all this work.

Thanks for your comments and compliments.

@x3mboy - would it be possible to use a better intro to the podcast, this overly robotic voice can be a bit uneasy to listen to.

Actually I give a thought and I'm going to say no. The intro, as well as the outro is a tribute to FLOSS, as I use the eSpeak software to do it. But I really appreciate your insight on this.

If you have a pagure project on the podcast itself maybe one could add this as an issue there.

Well, the right place should be the Marketing team pagure, since we manage the project from there.

Actually I like the idea to a have a different voice in the intro (a human voice though) since it gives the impression of a bigger production quality, i think. Maybe if you could find some other members with a good voice and a good mic that could read and record the intro for you which would keep things more engaging.

Again, I really love to do the intro with eSpeak. Maybe in the future it can change.

I think you're doing an amazing job btw.

Again, thanks, you're really nice.

O.T: do you use a compressor for the audio and what type of workflow and post-processing do you use? - would be happy to read it as an issue or even listen as one of the future episodes, asking this since I'm interested in the technical aspects of podcasting.

I use normally jit.si to connect with people, record the tracks with pulsecaster and Audacity to post-processing the interview.

Actually I think I'm going to change pulsecaster to OBS studio because it multiplatform.

The process is me in front of my laptop with my Phillips Headphones and a bunch of hours in front of Audacity. I learned a lot in YouTube about how to reduce noise and stuff.

The show "RadioLab" has a nice trick they do with the credits... each word of the announcement is spoken by a different person so you get lots of voices in sequence: young, old, male, female, accents, etc.

That sounds really good but also hard/time-consuming.

I would think about it.

On Thursday, December 13, 2018 12:44:33 PM EST Eduard Lucena wrote:

x3mboy added a new comment to an issue you are following:

@x3mboy and @jflory7 I hope we'll see this episode as well as a podcast
Thank you for doing all this work.

Thanks for your comments and compliments.

@x3mboy - would it be possible to use a better intro to the podcast, this
overly robotic voice can be a bit uneasy to listen to.

Actually I give a thought and I'm going to say no. The intro, as well as the
outro is a tribute to FLOSS, as I use the eSpeak software to do it. But I
really appreciate your insight on this.

If you have a pagure project on the podcast itself maybe one could add
this as an issue there.

Well, the right place should be the Marketing team pagure, since we manage
the project from there.

Actually I like the idea to a have a different voice in the intro (a human
voice though) since it gives the impression of a bigger production
quality, i think. Maybe if you could find some other members with a good
voice and a good mic that could read and record the intro for you which
would keep things more engaging.

Again, I really love to do the intro with eSpeak. Maybe in the future it can

I think you're doing an amazing job btw.

Again, thanks, you're really nice.

O.T: do you use a compressor for the audio and what type of workflow and
post-processing do you use? - would be happy to read it as an issue or
even listen as one of the future episodes, asking this since I'm
interested in the technical aspects of podcasting.

I use normally jit.si to connect with people, record the tracks with
pulsecaster and Audacity to post-processing the interview.

Actually I think I'm going to change pulsecaster to OBS studio because it

The process is me in front of my laptop with my Phillips Headphones and a
bunch of hours in front of Audacity. I learned a lot in YouTube about how
to reduce noise and stuff. ``

To reply, visit the link below or just reply to this email

Perhaps the quality could be increased by having each participant record their
own audio while doing the podcast over your VOIP protocol/service of choice,
and then combining the recordings. This is what most podcasts do.

John M. Harris, Jr. johnmh@splentity.com

I'm familiar with Audacity.
I was more inclined to maybe use mumble, will look into jitsi as well, thanks @x3mboy. jijtsi might be easier to get going with, mumble requires murmur server.

Perhaps the quality could be increased by having each participant record their
own audio while doing the podcast over your VOIP protocol/service of choice,
and then combining the recordings. This is what most podcasts do.

@johnmh this might need a lot more work for editing, doesn't it though?

Actually I give a thought and I'm going to say no. The intro, as well as the outro is a tribute to FLOSS, as I use the eSpeak software to do it. But I really appreciate your insight on this.

speaking of FLOSS and if you ever change your mind, I would rather hear the SuperCollider tracks made by different Fedora users if that's something would catch on.

Now about community involvement itself, Commops part or not. Are there any plans maybe doing a broader community episode where fedorans could send you a mail or something for discussion. Thinking more of a type that GNU World Order podcast does?

I was more inclined to maybe use mumble, will look into jitsi as well,
thanks @x3mboy. jijtsi might be easier to get going with, mumble requires
murmur server.

Using Mumble is well worth it if only for the exclusive use of the Speex
codec, the requirement of your own server is negligible.

@johnmh this might need a lot more work for editing, doesn't it though?

Possibly, but it'd be well worth it, and it wouldn't require a lot of
additional effort.

John M. Harris, Jr. johnmh@splentity.com

@x3mboy , would you be available for a conversation about how to collaborate on the podcast production? I'm in the Pacific timezone.

Hi @ojn @johnmh ,

Perhaps the quality could be increased by having each participant record their
own audio while doing the podcast over your VOIP protocol/service of choice,
and then combining the recordings. This is what most podcasts do.

Do we have a platform for collaborating on audio projects? In other words, is there a place for us to upload/share audio files?

@johnmh this might need a lot more work for editing, doesn't it though?

It is made easier if there is a synch signal at the beginning of the session so that each track can then be lined up, regardless of when each recorder was turned on.

@blaise you can find me on IRC in the #fedora-mktg at freenode.net as x3mboy.
The channel is bridged to @fedoramktg as @x3mboy so each way we can talk.

Two years have passed on this ticket. I'm always up for revisiting the podcast discussion, but let's do it in a new ticket with new ideas. Closing this ticket as stale.

Thanks for hard work on the Podcast all this time @x3mboy! :pray:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: Stale
- Issue set to the milestone: None (was: Fedora 30 (to May 2019))
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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