#91 Is CommOps trying to reactivate the Campus Ambassadors Program?
Closed: Duplicate 8 years ago Opened 8 years ago by bex.

Questions have arisen in FAmSCo about this program. It appears to have been restarted with no outbound communication by a group of people. It is unclear what their goals are as they have no meetings and don't seem to be mentoring the people they are admitting. Additionally they have no active mailing list.

Some people think this is a project of CommOps. The goal of this ticket is to find out if it is, and if so, what is going on. Coordination really should be occurring with other outreach groups.

This is a great question and a fairly long answer.

Originally, I brought up this topic as a regional topic within FAmNA in this ticket. The discussion originated there as a regional effort that we wanted to bring back to target university students (since we've been attending a fair amount of hackathons in the US [1] [2] [3] [4]). However, after a while, we identified that this program would be more of a global interest and would be something to collaborate on with the rest of the community.

This is where #68 comes in. We filed this ticket towards the beginning of the year as a tracking effort to reboot the program. @decause had been leading the drive forward on this, and there were plans to host an EDU FAD local to Raleigh with key stakeholders within Fedora and Red Hat to develop resources and a strategy for the program. However, due to complications, the FAD never ended up happening.

To answer the original question: yes, I think this is a CommOps task, but it's currently missing someone to drive it. I am a sponsor of the group, but as far as I am aware, we are not sponsoring anyone into the group. Every month or so, I go through the queue and send emails to applicants informing them that this program is not currently active and I explain the current process for becoming an Ambassador. If anyone is being sponsored, it is without my knowledge.

We do have an IRC channel and a mailing list, though. Neither are incredibly active, but people are there:

@nb can you shed some light here? It seems from the above that the administrative group is being driven from somewhere else and that it will come as a surprise to @jflory7 that new members were added.

@potty CC only so you can please reference this in next week's FAmSCo meeting when my AI comes up. I won't be in the meeting.

Closing ticket

I reached out to the sponsor who had sponsored others into the group who weren't Ambassadors, and it was a miscommunication issue. I believe the group is set to invite-only for now, and I recently sent personal emails to all of the remaining applicants to the group about how they can still get involved with Fedora.

For now, I would defer any discussion about the actual Campus Ambassadors program to #68 here on the CommOps Pagure, as this is where a lot of the original momentum was originating. Hopefully soon we can drive it forward again.

@jflory7 changed the status to Fixed

8 years ago

@jflory7 changed the status to Duplicate

8 years ago

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