#98 Round Up of Fedora Contributor Talks @ FOSDEM
Closed 8 years ago Opened 8 years ago by bex.

Perhaps CommOps should try to figure out what Fedora related and Fedora Contributor given talks are at FOSDEM and publish a "checklist to FOSDEM" article?

We can post an article on magazine or commops blog asking the selected speaker to put their name on a wiki page with their talk description.

At the moment i have a list with 19 talks of members of the community (verified by FAS account), maybe the idea of @amsharma can complement this list

I still want to check two speakers who seem to be related but I can not verify yet if they are members of the community.

If you think this is enough, I can start writing the article giving a format similar to the example.

One more contributor added, I get this info mainly with google search and FAS queries. I still searching a better way to cross compare speakers list with the fedora contributors list.

FAS2 api help me a lot in this ticket, so let me know where I can write the draft with this information :)

Discussed in 2017-01-24 meeting.

We broke this ticket up into three, actionable pieces to close the ticket.

Verify accuracy of list

@bt0dotninja is going to verify the accuracy of the list of contributors above to be confident that he has the right names. @bex's input may also be helpful here. This is due on Wednesday, 25 January 2017.

Put call out on devel list

Once @bt0dotninja verifies the accuracy of the list, @dhanesh95 will make a post to the devel mailing list asking any Fedora speakers at FOSDEM to double-check this list and make sure their name is on here if they are speaking. This is due on Friday, 27 January 2017.

@bt0dotninja, it may also be helpful if you make a bulletpoint list or some other easily viewed way for people to see if we have them down or not, probably as a comment in this ticket.

Magazine post

Once the above two items are done, I'll work on creating a Fedora Magazine post that highlights the Fedora speakers at FOSDEM. This is due on Wednesday, 1 February 2017 for an intended publication either on 02 Feb. or 03 Feb.

A summary of the CSV: Contributor and Talks

  1. jflory7
    • What open source and J.K. Rowling have in common, Importance of storytelling in open source projects
  2. spot
    • A discussion of Fedora's Legal state, This is why I drink.
  3. bee2502
    • Making Wiki Gardening Tasks Easier Using Big Data and NLP
    • I contributed ! But what now ?, This talk will be about methods to improve contributor retention rates in your FOSS community.
  4. pbrobinson
    • Using a generic distro to redefine IoT
  5. asamalik/psabata
    • Modularity & Generational Core, The future of Fedora?
  6. misc
    • Desktop security, keeping the key to the castle safe
    • Replacing Dockerfiles with Ansible-container
    • When configuration management meet SDN
    • Privacy in practice for self hosting
  7. pocock
    • SDR, Ham Radio and the Debian Hams project
    • Fundraising and Crowdfunding for FreeRTC
  8. lalatendu
    • The Easiest Way to Start Developing with Openshift
  9. elioqoshi
    • Mozilla Open Design, What we learned in 2016
  10. cwickert
    • Writing Open Source Documentation for Open Source Projects
  11. byte
    • The Proxy Wars - MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScale
    • Distributions from the view of a package
  12. gdha
    • Relax-and-Recover Automated Testing
    • Future ideas for ReaR, DRLM, and Bareos
  13. rfenkhuber
    • Pet-VMs and Containers united?

Do we also want to include talks from Fedora contributors unrelated to Fedora ? For example, Elio Qoshi is speaking about his work at Mozilla.

Yeah, the main idea is enumerate all the fedora contributors talks (no matter if fedora is the topic or not)


If the team decides it is appropriate, please include the fact that I am helping organize the Distributions Devroom as FCAIC.

Sorry for the delay,

+1 for the @bex idea :smile:

Here my final list, every user has been validated,


  1. jflory7
    • What open source and J.K. Rowling have in common, Importance of storytelling in open source projects
  2. spot
    • A discussion of Fedora's Legal state, This is why I drink.
  3. bee2502
    • Making Wiki Gardening Tasks Easier Using Big Data and NLP
    • I contributed ! But what now ?, This talk will be about methods to improve contributor retention rates in your FOSS community.
  4. pbrobinson
    • Using a generic distro to redefine IoT
  5. asamalik/psabata
    • Modularity & Generational Core, The future of Fedora?
  6. misc
    • Desktop security, keeping the key to the castle safe
    • Replacing Dockerfiles with Ansible-container
    • When configuration management meet SDN
    • Privacy in practice for self hosting
  7. pocock
    • SDR, Ham Radio and the Debian Hams project
    • Fundraising and Crowdfunding for FreeRTC
  8. lalatendu
    • The Easiest Way to Start Developing with Openshift
  9. elioqoshi
    • Mozilla Open Design, What we learned in 2016
  10. cwickert
    • Writing Open Source Documentation for Open Source Projects
  11. byte
    • The Proxy Wars - MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScale
    • Distributions from the view of a package
  12. gdha
    • Relax-and-Recover Automated Testing
    • Future ideas for ReaR, DRLM, and Bareos
  13. rfenkhuber
    • Pet-VMs and Containers united?
  14. bmbouter
    • Debugging Hung Python Processes with GDB
  15. kshlm
    • The next generation of GlusterFS management
  16. mjw
    • fortification vs memcheck
    • Valgrind BoF and Hackaton
  17. ueno
    • Smart card forwarding
  18. czanik
    • Scaling your logging infrastructureusing syslog-ng
    • Get the most out of your security logsusing syslog-ng
  19. msivak
    • VM: Hey VM, can I share a host with you?
  20. eseyman
    • Schema, Database Documentation Through Introspection
  21. rtnpro
    • Taking containers from development to production
  22. nkondras
    *User Session Recording for the Enterprise

Sorry for the delay,
+1 for the @bex idea 😄
Here my final list, every user has been validated,

@bt0dotninja : Should I post this on the devel mailing list?

Hi! I maintain FreeRADIUS and tlog, not sure if that qualifies, but I'm giving a talk at FOSDEM titled "User Session Recording for the Enterprise": https://fosdem.org/2017/schedule/event/session_recording/

@nkondras Yeah, let me add you to list.

I want to update the CSV in the monday night (and maybe move the data to more friendly format)

Thanks @bt0dotninja and @dhanesh95 for your work here! A post is coming on the Community Blog and the Fedora Magazine on Friday, 7:00 UTC and 8:00 UTC respectively. This ticket can be closed after FOSDEM. Great work, everyone! :100: :100: :100:

This my be too late but @bex sent me a mail suggesting to CC all the members on the list. I have no idea how I missed it and I'm sorry about it.

@bt0dotninja : If it's not too late, could you please reply to my mail on the devel mailing list and CC all the members. I have issues with my email service provider and won't be able to do it from the web interface.

I've been travelling and I missed the announcement. My talks are also at FOSDEM:


It would be awesome to have them include if it is still possible. Thanks!

Ticket completed

Thanks everyone for all of the hard work on this ticket! We did get the Fedora Community Blog article and the Fedora Magazine article published before FOSDEM. This was definitely a team effort, thanks everyone for helping pull it together. :smile:

@npmccallum Sorry for not getting yours in there in time. :( I was already on the road or I would have added them into the articles before FOSDEM.

@jflory7 changed the status to Closed

8 years ago

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