#279 ambassador
Merged 2 years ago by sumantrom. Opened 2 years ago by sumantrom.
Unknown source main  into  main

sumantrom • 2 years ago  
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  = Ambassador Emeritus Member


- The https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/commops/handbooks/ambassador-emeritus/[Ambassador Emeritus] group is a group of retired Ambassadors. Ambassadors may retire for a variety of reasons, and can come back at any time. If an Ambassador Emeritus member would like to come back as an Ambassador in the future, check out the Ambassador Emeritus Role Handbook on what steps you should follow to rejoin.

+ Life happens, things get busy, and interests change. This is a natural part of life that we embrace in the Fedora community. Whether you are moving to a new team in Fedora or taking a break altogether, it is important to have an avenue to retire. Ambassador team members looking to retire should send an email to the Ambassador Mailing List with a retirement message- it doesn’t have to be long (or it can be!) to let your teammates know you will be retiring or taking a break. This gives everyone a chance to thank you for all your efforts in the Ambassador Program!


- With great thanks & appreciation note

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ The CommOps Team will also run a yearly group cleanup. This entails running a script to search for inactive users(Fedora Account System) and reaching out to them directly via their Fedora Project email. It is absolutely fine to respond to this as “I want to stay involved” or “I will be back soon” or “I am unable to be a part at this time”.


- Each community member adds value to Fedora with their unique background, knowledge, and culture. Even after you are moved to the Emeritus group, the rest of the community will always appreciate your dedication to Fedora while you were present. Thank you for your willingness to help others within the community, for inspiring them with your actions, for representing Fedora to other communities, and for your support during challenging times.

+ == How does someone come back?



+ Just like the first time you joined Fedora, you are always welcomed to come back and join. Same as the first time you joined the Ambassadors group, you should create a ticket at the Ambassadors repo in order to express your interest to come back, give a brief explanation of the reason that made you retire (no personal details are required!) and share some ideas about how you can help the community. If you have been away for a long time and you would like some “Fedora orientation”, don’t forget to mention that as well.


+ In the meantime, you can check what the rest of the community is up to by reading the Mailing Lists’ archives, checking Fedora social media accounts, check Fedora Discussion, have a look at the Fedora repos in order to see what the community is currently working on. Don’t hesitate to participate in all the above by providing your assistance when help is needed or by simply joining that discussion.

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  = Ambassador Team Member


+ A Fedora Ambassador is a representative of the Fedora Project. Ambassadors ensure the public understand Fedora Project’s principles and the work that community is doing. Additionally Ambassadors are responsible for helping to grow the contributor base, and to act as a liaison between other FLOSS projects and the Fedora community. You can still represent Fedora in the public without being an Ambassador. In this case you are a Fedora Advocate (link to Advocates’ docs)


+ *  You give a face and a name to Fedora. You are a person, friendly and approachable. Fedora can be big and scary, but you are going to help make sure that one person finds their way through all the confusion into the place where they can contribute.


+ *  You are the glue. You help connect different people in different parts of the Project because you are always dealing with people whose interests are different. You should be eager and happy to work with other parts of Fedora to solve problems.


+ * People are the key. Everything that we do – events, budgets, swag, membership verifications, blogging – it’s all done as an attempt to make personal connections with folks who either want to use or contribute to Fedora. Places, where Ambassadors get together, are one of the few times that Fedora contributors have an opportunity to meet face to face (other than FUDCons and FADs).


+ * You are the expert in your region. You understand the culture, the needs, and the best ways to communicate about Fedora and FOSS in your region. FAmSCo and other “leaders” in Fedora work for you, and need to listen to what you are saying makes sense. We can’t ignore the global picture, but we need to be flexible in adapting to local needs.


+ == How to move to Ambassador Emeritus


+ Write a post on the Ambassador Discourse topic and let the team know that you are ready to step down as an Ambassador and move to the Ambassador Emeritus group. If you have set tasks/responsibilities related to Ambassadors, ensure that you have a successor in place.


+ == How does someone come back?


+ Write a post on the Ambassador discourse to express your interest in returning. Join the next Monthly Ambassador call and raise your discourse thread. If you took a short break, and there are no objections, you can expect to be added back to the Ambassador group shortly. If you took a longer break, we would suggest finding a mentor and getting a short refresher before returning. Ambassador Rep to Mindshare, the FCAIC, and representatives from FAMSCo will look at the request and make final approval.


+ == Ambassador Conduct


+ The Fedora Code of Conduct apply to everyone in the Fedora community, and especially to you as a Fedora Ambassador.


+ When acting as ambassador, you don’t just represent yourself, you represent the Fedora Project. When people think of you, they will think of the Fedora Project. This means that there are some important rules to follow, and giving the right impression is important setting aside personal biases in favor of goodwill for yourself and for Fedora.


+ === Know your message


+ As an ambassador, and as part of the Marketing project, you need to know the good word of Fedora, and know the differences between it and its cousin, Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Make sure to focuse on the strengths of Fedora, do not insult any other project or product.


+ === No monetary requests


+ Remember, you are not allowed to publish any monetary details or funding requests on fedoraproject.org. You are not authorized to collect funds on behalf of the Fedora Project or for any Fedora-related venture.


+ === Respect the Trademark Guidelines


+ Always be aware of the Trademark Guidelines for the Fedora trademarks. They protect the Fedora brand. You should also respect the logo guidelines. As an ambassador, you should be especially careful not to violate these guidelines.


+ === No illegal software


+ You should not direct people to software that may violate the law. Review and understand our Forbidden items. You can direct users to third-party software, but do not lead users to software that may violate the law or copyrights. When you direct someone to third-party software, please make it clear that use of the software is not supported or encouraged by the Fedora Project.


+ === You represent Fedora, not Red Hat


+ This is pretty simple. You represent the Fedora Project, which is sponsored by Red Hat. You do not represent Red Hat. If someone is interested in Red Hat specific details or Red Hat Enterprise Linux, please put them in touch with the Fedora Project Leader. Even though you may believe that Fedora is perfection, you should not insult any other project or product.


+ === Dress to represent


+ The Fedora brand is independent, and stand-alone, and it’s important to Fedora’s marketing efforts that we maintain that distinction. When representing Fedora in person, try not to confuse people by wearing Red Hat, or any other distribution, clothing or apparel.


+ Our founding organization and main sponsor, Red Hat, has specifically requested that we not connect hats, red in color or otherwise, to the Fedora Project. Please do not use a hat, whether it’s a fedora or any other type of hat, in any presentation of Fedora or to represent the Fedora Project in any way.


+ === Online presence


+ As an Ambassador you are representing the Fedora Project, which may include virtual spaces. In any virtual space that you are representing yourself as a Fedora representative you need to adhere to Fedora’s Code of Conduct.


+ === Ask for help if you get lost


+ Inevitably, things happen, and they aren’t always great. If you need help or something goes wrong, make sure to reach out to any local event coordinators, or group leads, and also communicate the situation to the Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator.


+ == Responsibilities


+ The main repsposibility of Ambassadors is to ensure the Fedora updates are being broacasted to the public and collect feedback from users and contributors. Ambassadors should share their feedback at the Mindshare Committee through their representative at te Mindhsare Committee.


+ - Organize Fedora participation at events (sessions, info booths, hand out swag, etc)

+ - On board new contributors and users

+ - Organize release parties and install fests

+ -  Talk about the Fedora Four Foundations

+ - Regularly check up on other Ambassadors in order to ensure others are doing good and provide assistance

+ - Promote FLOSS and open source projects

+ - Demonstrate Fedora and other open source projects to the public

+ - Promote Fedora at local user groups with talks etc…


+ == Teams you will be closely working with


+ === Ambassadors work closely with:


+     - the Mindshare Committee

+     - the Join SIG

+     - the Marketing team

+     - CommOps

+     - Advocates


+ == Contact information


+ - Discourse forum: TBD

+ - IRC channel:  #fedora-ambassadors on Libera.Chat

+ - Matrix/Element: https://matrix.to/#/#fedora-ambassadors:fedora.im

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Pull-Request has been merged by sumantrom

2 years ago