#206 libreoffice-kde was renamed to libreoffice-kde4
Closed: Fixed 5 years ago Opened 6 years ago by kkofler.

I already pointed this out in a comment to pull request #202, but to have this tracked as an issue too: libreoffice-kde was renamed to libreoffice-kde4 back in F24. The package name must be updated or the package does not get dragged in.

I am not yet submitting a pull request because I do not want to create a conflict with pull request #202, which touches the same part of the file.

I'd assign this to @rdieter, but unfortunately I'm not allowed to assign issues here.

This was resolved (the entry is just entirely gone...) for F29, and it's probably not really a big problem to leave it in F28 and F27. Should we close it?

Metadata Update from @pbrobinson:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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