#961 F41+: Add KDE Plasma Mobile group
Opened 16 days ago by ngompa. Modified 18 hours ago
ngompa/fedora-comps kde-mobile  into  main

file modified
@@ -3135,6 +3135,102 @@ 




+     <id>kde-mobile</id>

+     <_name>KDE Mobile</_name>

+     <_description>KDE Plasma Mobile, a highly-configurable graphical user interface optimized for mobile devices.</_description>

+     <default>false</default>

+     <uservisible>false</uservisible>

+     <packagelist>

+       <packagereq type="mandatory">plasma-mobile</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="mandatory">plasma-workspace</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="mandatory">plasma-workspace-wallpapers</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="mandatory">plasma-workspace-wayland</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="mandatory">sddm</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="mandatory">sddm-breeze</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="mandatory">sddm-kcm</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="mandatory">sddm-wayland-plasma</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">abrt-desktop</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">adwaita-gtk2-theme</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">akonadi-server</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">akonadi-server-mysql</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">ark</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">audiocd-kio</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">bluedevil</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">breeze-icon-theme</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">colord-kde</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">cups-pk-helper</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">dolphin</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">ffmpegthumbs</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">filelight</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">firewall-config</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">flatpak-kcm</packagereq>

+       <packagereq arch="aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64" type="default">fprintd-pam</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">glibc-all-langpacks</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">gnome-keyring-pam</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kaccounts-integration-qt6</packagereq>

+       <packagereq arch="aarch64,x86_64" type="default">kaccounts-providers</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kcharselect</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kde-connect</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kde-gtk-config</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kde-inotify-survey</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kde-partitionmanager</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kde-settings-pulseaudio</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kdegraphics-thumbnailers</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kdeplasma-addons</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kdialog</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kdnssd</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kf6-baloo-file</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kfind</packagereq>

+       <packagereq arch="aarch64,x86_64" type="default">khelpcenter</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kinfocenter</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kio-admin</packagereq>

+       <packagereq arch="aarch64,x86_64" type="default">kio-gdrive</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kmenuedit</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kmousetool</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">konsole</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">krfb</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kscreen</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kscreenlocker</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">ksshaskpass</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kwalletmanager5</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kwebkitpart</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kwin</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">kwrite</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">libappindicator-gtk3</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">NetworkManager-config-connectivity-fedora</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">PackageKit-command-not-found</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">pam-kwallet</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">phonon-qt6-backend-vlc</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">pinentry-qt</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-breeze</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-discover</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-discover-notifier</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-disks</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-drkonqi</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-nm</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-nm-l2tp</packagereq>

+       <packagereq arch="aarch64,x86_64" type="default">plasma-nm-openconnect</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-nm-openswan</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-nm-openvpn</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-nm-pptp</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-nm-vpnc</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-pa</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-print-manager</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-systemmonitor</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-thunderbolt</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-vault</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-welcome</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">plasma-workspace-geolocation</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">polkit-kde</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">signon-kwallet-extension</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">spectacle</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">systemd-oomd-defaults</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">udisks2</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">vlc-plugin-gstreamer</packagereq>

+       <packagereq type="default">xwaylandvideobridge</packagereq>

+     </packagelist>

+   </group>

+   <group>


      <_name>KDE Office</_name>

      <_description>KDE Office applications</_description>

This sets up an initial group for Plasma Mobile.

@tdawson, @thunderbirdtr: can you please take a look at this?

Thank you for writting this first draft. I'll test it out and see.

Right off the bat, I think plasma-welcome isn't the best to have in the mobile group.
Plasma Mobile has it's own welcome screen, and when Plasma Welcome runs first (which it does) it's rather jarring, because it isn't optimized for mobile, and then when you get through it, you get a second welcome screen.

Anyway, I'll double check these for "mobile friendly" and see if there are any that got missed. Though the package "plasma-mobile" does seem to pull in most everything that I usually put on my mobile stuff.

Things to remove

  • totally not needed in plasma mobile:
  • Note: plasma-welcome and kmenuedit get pulled in with plasma-workspace, so removing them will be harder. plasma-welcome is especially annoying, having a double welcome.

  • Not needed:

  • Note: see below to optional for akonadi stuff

Should be added as default

  • mobile specific stuff
    angelfish - web browser
    kalk - Calculator
    audiotube - YouTube Music

Should be added as Optional

  • mobile specific stuff
    tokodon - mastedon client
    spacebar - messaging app
    plasma-phonebook - Convergent phonebook application
    kasts - Podcast application
    plasma-dialer - phone dialer

  • The akonadi stuff
    akonadi-server - ?? - There is no apps that use this
    akonadi-server-mysql - ?? - There are no apps that use this
    calindori - Calendar application
    kpeoplevcard - VCard contacts for KPeople

There is actually alot of trimming that can happen from this list, because plasma-mobile pulls in alot of things. The problem I'm finding is that plasma-mobile pulls in plasma-workspace which then pulls in alot of stuff you don't need for mobile.

Right now, it feels like plasma mobile is bolted on top of the Plasma Workspace Desktop. Just a fake skin over the top. I would personally like to trim it down so that plasma mobile is it's own standalone desktop. Users can install the regular plasma desktop also if you want, but it isn't required.

Without spectacle, how does screenshots work?

Without spectacle, how does screenshots work?

In the pull-down section, there is a "ScreenShot" square. You click it and it takes a screenshot.
I double checked, and it worked without spectacle installed.

I have also tried running spectacle to take a screenshot. It really doesn't work as you would expect. This is mainly because plasma-mobile is setup to only have one thing running on the screen at a time, and that one thing is spectacle. So, without some fancy stuff, it can only take a shot of the desktop.

Also, which session manager are we gonna use for plasma-mobile? Because sddm looks pretty funky (On the pinephone anyway).

Do we even have the index-fm package in fedora for the file manager?

I believe we're missing a chunk of the KDE Mobile apps, but we are going to use SDDM, I think there's a mobile friendly theme for SDDM somewhere?

Which application is being used for file management / exploration? Index-FM https://apps.kde.org/index-fm/ is what they have listed on the Plasma Mobile Website but I'm not seeing the package on Fedora.

For optional note-taking applications there appear to be Notae (not packaged) and Marknote

timaeos: redstrate what status would you give the Notae application? Would you consider Marknote its replacement?
redstrate: Probably? I haven’t tried marknote itself but if it can edit standalone markdown files then yeah it’s a replacement

It sounds like Marknote would be the heir-apparent to Notae

Separately, it's not clear what the Mobile Camera application would be from this lists.
Plasma Camera is the camera application listed on the plasma mobile website but I couldn't find the application in the fedora repos. Is it called by another name? Maybe Kamoso would work?
