While browsing through the Diversity and Inclusion documentation, I realized that it does not answer the current state of this in Fedora. How inclusive and diverse is the Fedora project considered to be? What are the areas that need improvement?
Hi @till, thanks for opening this ticket. However, this is a really difficult question to answer and I don't think we have an answer to this. We don't have any data to work with.
Foe now, I am closing this ticket as a duplicate of #130, since I believe #130 addresses the pre-requisite of answering this question: who is already in the Fedora Community?
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue close_status updated to: duplicate - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue priority set to: waiting on external (was: awaiting triage) - Issue tagged with: research, type - metrics
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue marked as depending on: #130
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