#189 D&I Team Virtual Meetup 2021
Closed: complete 3 years ago by jflory7. Opened 4 years ago by riecatnor.

The D&I team usually has at least one yearly meetup, and we are overdue! Let's plan a virtual meetup to spend time with each other, talk about the upcoming year, and craft a couple short and long term goals.

I would love to get as many people at the meetup as possible, so let's pick some dates that are pretty far out. How does March sound? I think weekend days would work well, so let's look at all the Saturday's & Sunday's in March. @bittin mentioned they will create a link for us to gather date preferences. I also think that one day is all we need, and something that people could be able to commit to. I am willing to get up early too ;)

We can use HopIn to get the automatic recording feature, as well as the many other features the platform provides, and help us maintain a structure.

Additionally I would like to setup a fun event for us to do, similar to the events we set up for the Release Party. We could use the same company, they were easy to work with. The events they offer are listed here: https://teambuilding.com/services/virtual-team-building

Looking forward to more thoughts, ideas, and input!

Created a poll now: https://framadate.org/fed-DI-virtual-march-2021
that expires end of February 2021, for voting for dates when people can attend in March 2021

Filled. :white_check_mark:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: next meeting (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: new change, type - events, type - hackfest

4 years ago

Hi folks! This has been open for voting for over two weeks, with 9 responses, and there is a clear date that looks optimal.

Based on the responses, the D&I Team Virtual Meetup will be held Sunday March 21st, 2021. Looking at what has worked for past events, I would propose a general time frame of 1 PM UTC - 7 PM UTC. Then I would say we should break it down into 3-6 sessions. of 45 minutes or 1.5 hours.

Example Schedule (UTC):
1-1:30 Welcome & informal chat
1:30-2:30 Session: topic 1
2:30-3 Break
3-3:45 Session: topic 2
3:45-4:30 Session: topic 3
4:30-5:00 Break
5-6:30 Session: Fun Activity
6:30-7 Wrap up

Please provide feedback on this timeframe/format. Do you think this is enough time? Do you feel their is a good amount of break? Too much/too little overall?

Beyond making our schedule, I think an additional next step will be to create an agenda. Please leave agenda items here that you feel should be included in the meetup, and we will review at the next D&I meeting. Thanks!

@riecatnor +1! The schedule looks good to me and I could join for that Sunday date.

One topic I would like to bring up is identifying the next D&I Advisor to the Council. At the end of the Fedora 34 release cycle, I plan to end my term.

Hi folks! I continue to make progress on this meetup, and am getting excited to see everyone together :)
I would love to get ideas/feedback from more folks-- my plan is to put together the meetup myself and for everyone to be able to show up with minds fresh for discussion instead of event planning ;)

I put together this hackmd for further planning/details, feel free to leave comments:

Hi! The D&I meet-up happened this past weekend. It was a lot of fun and it was good to see so many familiar faces!

Some quick updates before closing this ticket as complete:100:

  1. HackMD notes: Shared notepad from our discussions during the meet-up, along with some notes from the storytelling workshop.
  2. CommBlog article update: @riecatnor put together a draft article from our notes. @mouse and @sayaksarkar gave a +1 to publish. Hopefully will be scheduled in the next 1-2 weeks.

I am also in the process of opening a new ticket about our documentation, per our discussion on Sunday.

Since follow-up actions are complete and the meet-up has passed, closing this as complete! Thanks @riecatnor for putting this together!! :100:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue assigned to riecatnor
- Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: next meeting)

3 years ago

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