#195 Future of FWD: Fedora Week of Diversity Planning
Closed: complete 3 years ago by jflory7. Opened 3 years ago by riecatnor.

General notes
- Should include FWD local/virtually
- 2 Time zone event (EU/US) if it is become too bigger so we an comfort everyone as well.
- In person events could happen that week, and at the end their could be a virtual event
do local events, and then come back and connect with the community
- Think about how to get techy people involved in the event
- Let’s think about intersectionality, how can we feature that, how can we engage in a technical/creative community
- Can this be a longer term process? Involving folks in activites beforehand, after
- We can include other “days”

Outcomes (vision)
- Networking
- A welcoming beginning for newcomers
- Involving the broader Fedora community in the event
- Inspiration

Ideas for Themes
- Could be a week of creation
- Diversity hackathon
- Could be a week where we have a session a day with a guest speaker sharing information/experiences related to D&I
- Fedora Stories: Building on contributor stories? We never found a permanent home for that.
- FWD/D&I in podcast and make talks (non-tech stuff)
- Fedora Zine takeover or make a bunch of pages in the zine
- Mixing the idea of building diversity themed tech/craft projects
- Featured tech/crafts during the virtual component. This could be a great way to get people to network and engage with one another.

Hello, I'd like to be a part of this.

I wish to help with this as well.

The D&I team met today and discussed FWD. Here are our notes:

What is the theme/structure for FWD? This will guide our approach to planning.
- Decided: use contributor stories/happiness packets/appreciation week.
- Undecided: how they will be used. We do know we have some pretty great projects here that promote DEI, and we want to capitalize on our existing frameworks.

Next steps:
- Status report needed for Contributor Stories, Happiness Packets, and Appreciation Week.
- Are these active/inactive, working/down, etc. What will it take to get it working?

Contributor Stories:
- last occurred in 2018 during FAW
-<j​wflory> I was one of the coordinating folks but it was really a team effort.
- Most of the hard work was on communication. Getting folks to know this is a thing we are doing, where and how to submit stories, when they can expect to see things go live, etc
- The execution was fairly simple to me. For the CommBlog posts, I made a template and then copy-pasted things from Pagure into the CommBlog
- (during Appreciation Week, I mean)

Fedora Appreciation Week:
- last occurred in 2018

Fedora Happiness Packets:

About Fedora Happiness Packet: The fork [0] is fairly up to date and is mostly waiting on deployment (who, where and when).
We will meet again to see how close to deployment we are and what would be the proper steps to do it

[0] https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/fedora-happiness-packets

Hello @riecatnor. I don't think i got a reminder for the Fedora diversity meeting. How can I rectify this?

Hello @riecatnor. I don't think i got a reminder for the Fedora diversity meeting. How can I rectify this?

I will send you the calendar link in a moment. We meet bi-weekly. We did try to ping you in the chat. This should be helpful in the future though! We hope to see you next time!


Thank you, I've had a terrible network all day @mouse

I completely understand! Network is network. <3

The D&I Team met today and we discussed this ticket. Here are our notes:

What is the theme/structure for FWD? This will guide our approach to planning.
- Decided: use contributor stories/happiness packets/appreciation week.
- Undecided: how they will be used. We do know we have some pretty great projects here that promote DEI, and we want to capitalize on our existing frameworks.

We have decided to create theme(s) for the Contributor Stories and prompts for Fedora Happiness Packets. Examples include:
"first contribution/mentorship stories"
"Fedora friends"
"send one to your fav women/non-binary person in Fedora"
"send one to the person who had the biggest impact in your fedora world"
"send one to someone who is unappreciated"

- Develop and confirm themes/prompts
- Develop and confirm timeline & dates for both gathering content & FWD

@siddharthvipul1 got access to the space, and needs to look further into happiness packets

HI Folks! It has been a while since we updated this ticket, but there has been steady work on making the Fedora Week of Diversity happen. @lilyx @siddharthvipul1 @jonatoni @jtrossba and I have been meeting and working on the various pieces. I will detail the updates below.

October 3-9th

Fedora Stories: Celebrating Our Community

A series of content that we will publish and promote on a variety of platforms including YouTube, the CommBlog, Mailing Lists, Twitter, IRC/Element/Telegram.

Video Series
We are working on a series of short videos that will be published on the Fedora YouTube. These are stories we are gathering from the Fedora community.

Resource Library
We are working on a resource library of curated DEI resources that we will publish and promote during FWD.

Fedora Women's Day 2020 Videos
We know it's a bit late, but we have the videos from Fedora Women's Day 2020 edited and ready to be uploaded and this seems like a great time to promote them! We should get these up asap and then do individual promotions for the different speakers/sessions during the upcoming FWD.

Happiness Packets
There are a couple folks working on getting Fedora Happiness Packets up and running. We do not have confirmation that this will be up and ready in time but we hope so! We should have a better idea in a couple weeks. If we can get this up and running we will promote this during FWD as well.

Fedora Social
We want to takeover the weekly Fedora Social for a Fedora Week of Diversity celebration! Most likely celebrated with handing out a badge, promoting our content, and playing some Pictionary or GeoGuessr :)

I think that is it for now,


Watching the first videos of this year now

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyMPSImdhPA&list=PL0x39xti0_66aqmB8GCXpHZOmEiG5NUpt&index=4 but this is not me fyi, maybe some videos need some re-editing

I uploaded the new video already and fixed. It is up to people who access to youtube now.

Thank you.

I uploaded the new video already and fixed. It is up to people who access to youtube now.

Thank you.

This is now fixed

Now that we are done with Fedora week of Diversity, are we good to close this ticket? @riecatnor

Following up on the last comments, please see the playlist linked above for the videos. Thanks all who made this possible. :tada: :heart:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue assigned to riecatnor
- Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: type - events, type - outreach

3 years ago

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