#41 Outreachy Intern
Closed: Complete 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by bex.

One use of the Diversity funds last year was to support an Outreach Intern. If we have a project for the next round (apps start in September), would Diversity want to support this? The cost is $6,500.

We don't have a project yet, so this is an advisory question.

+1 from me, I strongly agree to support an Outreachy Intern because I see it as a very good way to help contributors (old or new ones) to learn new things and improve what they know, it motivates them. @bee2502 knows even better how important and helpful is this kind of internship as she was an Outreachy Intern at Mozilla last year.

+1 from me. Outreachy is really helpful in onboard newcomers from diverse communities into the community.

However, I would really like to see a wider range of projects being proposed for upcoming Outreachy session from Fedora community. GSoC even though being limited to coding projects receives a lot of project ideas and proposals from within the community - maybe we could spread the word about Outreachy within the community sooner?

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue tagged with: budget, needs feedback

7 years ago

+1 . I would like to see which project it is and whom we gonna fund.


I totally agree with @bee2502 . Choice of the project and how it aligns with our goals as a team is definitely something we should give more thought to as well get feedback on!

The last cycle featured a design project and a coding project. No one has come forward to mentor anything yet.

Metadata Update from @jonatoni:
- Issue tagged with: events

7 years ago

we have here 5 votes (+1), this ticket it's approved

@bex let us know if you need our help with something

Metadata Update from @jonatoni:
- Issue untagged with: needs feedback
- Issue tagged with: approved

7 years ago

@bex when is the deadline to confirm participation for Outreachy? We can plan a commblog post in September to invite projects from different subprojects in Fedora as a part of Outreachy.

Additionally, @bex why is Outreachy budget 'completely' a part of diversity team budget while GSoC is not - and both are internship programs for newcomers? I understand Outreachy is a program for diversity and inclusion but this creates an issue where Diversity has only limited budget i.e. for one intern but past few GSoC rounds have seen more than 5 internships being sponsored by Fedora through GSoC. Even if we cannot compare the two programs, we should definitely be looking at proposing and sponsoring more projects through Outreachy than GSoC to support our D&I efforts.

@bex when is the deadline to confirm participation for Outreachy? We can plan a commblog post in September to invite projects from different subprojects in Fedora as a part of Outreachy.

You'd need to check the outreachy site.

Additionally, @bex why is Outreachy budget 'completely' a part of diversity team budget while GSoC is not - and both are internship programs for newcomers? I understand Outreachy is a program for diversity and inclusion but this creates an issue where Diversity has only limited budget i.e. for one intern but past few GSoC rounds have seen more than 5 internships being sponsored by Fedora through GSoC. Even if we cannot compare the two programs, we should definitely be looking at proposing and sponsoring more projects through Outreachy than GSoC to support our D&I efforts.

GSoC has no project costs therefore there is no budget. It actually results in monies coming into the project. Google suggests they be used to support the attendance at conferences of GSoC students. We have been doing that so far. If we want to propose to use some of those monies to fund Outreachy I think the council would be interested in this proposal.

Outreach is also free to ask for more funding from the Council if it has a good idea for how to use the funds.

@marinaz and @labbott I am planning a Community Blog post to create awareness and invite projects for the upcoming Outreachy round (apart from the emails on mailing list). Let me know what you think about this.

Also, any other suggestions are welcome.

Given the time constraints, we need to get a call for projects very soon. Based on other time frames, I set a deadline of September 15th to get projects ideas in. Once that deadline hits, we will need to review the projects and see what ones to accept and make sure they are projects appropriate for Outreachy.

@labbott Okay, I drafted a quick blog post for Outreachy based on our past one announcing GSoC 2017. You can preview it here -

Let me know if that works.

That's giving me a 404. I'm guessing I don't have permissions because I can't seem to access it even when I log in with my FAS account.

@labbott Okay, I drafted a quick blog post for Outreachy based on our past one announcing GSoC 2017. You can preview it here -
Let me know if that works.

@labbott Sorry, this one is the public preview link.

Please make the Outreachy info for mentors a link to https://www.outreachy.org/mentor/mentor-faq/.
We also need to emphasize that Outreachy works differently from Google Summer of Code. Applicants are expected to make a contribution to the project they are applying for so mentors need to have appropriate tasks for applicants to do.

The location for mentors to add project is also at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Outreachy/2017_potential_projects

Hi all,

Thank you for voting to fund an intern, for moving this forward (Laura!), and for publishing a great blog post (Bee!). When Amita and I discussed this at Flock, she suggested that I can be the Diversity team representative for reviewing the proposed ideas, given my experience with Outreachy as a whole. I'd be happy to do it, but will also be happy to support any other diversity team member who'd like to take this on. Unless I hear otherwise, I'll work with the Fedora Outreachy team to review the proposed projects, but please feel free to raise your hand if you want to be involved.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bhagyashree Padalkar" pagure@pagure.io
To: marinaz@redhat.com
Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 9:01:00 AM
Subject: [fedora-diversity] Issue #41: Outreachy Intern

bee2502 added a new comment to an issue you are following:
@labbott The post is up after the changes. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/outreachy-2017-mentors-ideas/

To reply, visit the link below or just reply to this email

@marinaz I really trust you on reviewing the projects for outreach. If you want someone from the team, then I can support and help you on this if required. Thanks.

I'm closing this ticket for now and if we need to add something else we can open it again.

@marinaz if you need our help please let us know, I'd be happy to help you :)

Metadata Update from @jonatoni:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

@jonatoni do you know who is the intern selected for this and which project he is doing?

Metadata Update from @amsharma:
- Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)

7 years ago

@amsharma The application process is still going on. The selected interns will be announced on Nov 9. We can plan a community blog post showcasing the intern(s) once Outreachy has started.

@bee2502 thanks. I will take this up to post about it.

Here are the results: https://www.outreachy.org/alums/
We will have two interns for this round: Alisha Aneja (Project: 389 Directory Server: developing administrative tools) and Shaily (Project: Fedora Hubs: adding a full-text search feature). Congrats girls! :)

Hi, here are a set of questions to ask the new Outreachy interns for the blog. I plan to email them these with a little welcome message. Once we have their responses, I will compile them as a blog.
1. Tell us a little about yourself?
2. How did you hear about the Outreachy programme?
3. What caught your attention about the Fedora projects? How does it align with your personal interests?
4. What are you looking forward to most during this intern?
5. Where do you see yourself after you complete this intern?

Thoughts/any other questions @amsharma @bee2502 @jonatoni @jflory7 ?

Thanks @jonatoni :)

Hi @chhavi,
I will publish my initial blog posts regarding Outreachy and my work for the 389 Directory Server Project this weekend. Feel free to extract any content out of it. Otherwise I am happy to answer any set of questions you have :)

Also, I was just thinking as a suggestion, we could have a channel dedicated to women in Fedora, say 'Fedora Women' on Twitter. It's a good medium of outreach.

Hello, I have emailed them both the set of questions. Once they reply, I will work on compiling them for the blog! :)

@alisha17 Hii! I hope you received the email! Looking forward to your blog posts. :D
Also, we do have an IRC channel #fedora-women but isn't active. If you are interested in this, we did organize Fedora Women Day recently in around 10 places and it was a successful effort. You can read about it more on the blog. If you have more ideas you would like to discuss, to drop by the channel. We would love to discuss them :)

Thanks @chhavi for taking it further. Any updates here? It will be great to publish this post before the EOY.

@alisha17 Welcome and congratulations. All the best for your contribution.


I drafted the blog post about the interns. Both were alright, with sharing their pictures, I asked them. Here is the public preview link:

Let me know your thoughts :)
@amsharma @bee2502 @jflory7 @jonatoni

@chhavi This looks awesome! I didn't have much work to do here. :smile:

The article is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 15 at 08:30 UTC. A preview is here. If you need to make any edits, let me know.

Since was the last part of kicking off the Outreachy cycle for winter 2017-2018, I'm closing the ticket.

Best wishes to the new Outreachy interns! I loved the interviews.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: events
- Issue assigned to marinaz
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue priority set to: happening now
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 28 (to May 2018)
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

Thank you for preparing this article, @chhavi ! I'd love to look over it before Friday, but the link provided in the ticket - https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=5037&preview=1&_ppp=1a19f39b8e - takes me to a page that says the link is expired.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Justin W. Flory" pagure@pagure.io
To: marinaz@redhat.com
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2017 4:42:35 PM
Subject: [fedora-diversity] Issue #41: Outreachy Intern

The issue: Outreachy Intern of project: fedora-diversity has been assigned to marinaz by jflory7.


@marinaz These preview links are a little annoying – they expire in 24 hours after they're made.

I generated a new one that you can see here. If it's expired when you get to it, you can also try logging into the Community Blog and seeing a preview here.

Thank you @jflory7 . The article looks fabulous and I look forward to promo=
ting it! I proposed a few small edits in an e-mail to you and @chhavi .

----- Original Message -----
From: "Justin W. Flory" pagure@pagure.io
To: marinaz@redhat.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2017 9:05:04 PM
Subject: [fedora-diversity] Issue #41: Outreachy Intern

jflory7 added a new comment to an issue you are following:
@marinaz These preview links are a little annoying =E2=80=93 they expire in=
24 hours after they're made.

I generated a new one that you can see here. If it's expired when y=
ou get to it, you can also try logging into the Community Blog and seeing a preview here.

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