Originally discussed in fedora-diversity#12.
Publish and share the demographic survey to the Fedora community, as worked on in the 2017 Diversity FAD
At our FAD, we devised a survey and list of questions to better understand who makes up the Fedora community. This survey will help inform us to make data-driven decisions on how to improve accessibility and diversity in the Fedora community. Ideally, the results of the demographic survey will further drive work this team is chartered to do.
The survey is pending clearance with Red Hat Legal before we can move forward. @bex and @marinaz are working on this together. Until it is cleared, this ticket is blocked.
After it is unblocked, we need to evaluate publishing options for where we run and execute this survey. From comments in #12, @bex has done some research on this and we can revisit once the implementation is cleared by RH Legal.
Create survey instance, publish and share with Fedora community, map new team goals and directions from data provided in survey
@bex @marinaz Is there any shot of being able to move this forward at Flock?
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: awaiting triage)
Metadata Update from @bee2502: - Issue tagged with: needs info, new change, type - metrics
The original work on this ticket began over two years ago. There is no visibility into the Red Hat Legal process to Fedora D&I team members. I'm not sure where we would pick this work up again once RH Legal work finishes, if it does.
@bex @marinaz @mattdm Does it make sense for this team to own this work? I think we need a conclusion so Fedora D&I can move on and focus on things we can influence and work on.
There is no action that can be taken on this ticket at this time. I suggest closing it. It remains an open issue on the legal side.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue set to the milestone: None (was: Future releases)
Closing this ticket. :pensive:
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue close_status updated to: not possible - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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