#64 Diversity Team Podcast session
Closed: Complete 5 years ago Opened 6 years ago by bee2502.

We have been discussing with @x3mboy to have a podcast session with Diversity team. This ticket is for planning related to the podcast.

== TOPIC ==
I would like us to use this podcast to talk about our initiatives and activities with Fedora community and how community members can be involved with our team. However, other suggestions on topic are welcome.

We would like to publish this as soon as possible (preferably, April end).

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue set to the milestone: ASAP
- Issue tagged with: awareness, needs feedback, outreach

6 years ago

Adding comments by @bex here (originally, in team goals etherpad) -

  • I'd encourage this podcast to be somewhat scripted. Give Eduard questions in advance and have prepared talking points (not a complete script - it needs to sound natural).

  • I'd encourage us to make this podcast make it clear that being part of D&I doesn't mean having to join this team, though people are welcome

  • Try to give at least one actionable thing a listener can take away and do immediately

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

6 years ago

My comments:

I'd encourage this podcast to be somewhat scripted. Give Eduard questions in advance and have prepared talking points (not a complete script - it needs to sound natural).

I normally have bullet points in the podcast's interview, not a proper scripts. But I prepare that by myself, if you want a driven conversation, I don't have any issue by you giving me these points.

I'd encourage us to make this podcast make it clear that being part of D&I doesn't mean having to join this team, though people are welcome

Try to give at least one actionable thing a listener can take away and do immediately

You can make both in the "script" from the interview.

We would like to publish this as soon as possible (preferably, April end).

If you actually want to pull this out in this timeline, this need to be the very next interview. I already have my time planned for the next episode, to be published on April 13; this way if can record the interview before the last week of April (from 23 to 27), I can actually edit it and get it published on April 27.

Discussed in 2018-04-06 meeting.

We briefly visited the podcast with @x3mboy in today's meeting.

Deadline for podcast interview

We decided to shift the podcast by one week. We agreed to aim for 2018 May 11 for the publication date, which means the questionnaire / "script" needs to be finished on 2018 April 30. The interview will subsequently happening during the week of April 30.

Creating questionnaire / script

As discussed above, we want to create a "rough" script to drive some of the discussion during the podcast and what we will focus on. @bee2502 has a draft she started already and will share it here in this ticket.

The current due date for this is next Friday, 2018 April 13 – the plan is to review the script at the meeting, revise with any feedback, and then keep us on track for the interview on the week of April 30.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: needs feedback
- Issue assigned to bee2502
- Issue priority set to: urgent (1-2 weeks) (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 28 (to May 2018) (was: ASAP)

6 years ago

Discussed in 2018-04-06 meeting.

We briefly visited the podcast with @x3mboy in today's meeting.
Deadline for podcast interview
We decided to shift the podcast by one week. We agreed to aim for 2018 May 11 for the publication date, which means the questionnaire / "script" needs to be finished on 2018 April 30. The interview will subsequently happening during the week of April 30.
Creating questionnaire / script
As discussed above, we want to create a "rough" script to drive some of the discussion during the podcast and what we will focus on. @bee2502 has a draft she started already and will share it here in this ticket.


The current due date for this is next Friday, 2018 April 13 – the plan is to review the script at the meeting, revise with any feedback, and then keep us on track for the interview on the week of April 30.

Date for the podcast interview - 26th April - 13:00:00 to 14:00:00 UTC
@bee2502 @jonatoni @amsharma @x3mboy are available for this date and time.
@jwf would you like to join, if you are okay with this time?

Discussed in 2018-04-27 meeting.

New time: Thu, May 4 at 13:00-14:00 UTC

We finalized a recording time with @x3mboy and the team on Thursday, May 4th from 13:00 UTC (09:00 EDT / 14:00 CEST). The Etherpad notes will structure the discussion, so please review the notes before the recording time.

I plan to be available then.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: by next meeting (was: urgent (1-2 weeks))
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 29 (to Oct. 2018) (was: Fedora 28 (to May 2018))

6 years ago

Discussed in 2018-05-04 meeting.

Recording in-person after OSCAL: Monday, May 21

Since the last meeting, we realized we all be together in the same place after OSCAL ( #68 ). This will make it easier to plan and coordinate, and there will be less wireless connections to troubleshoot. We penciled in Monday, May 21 as the day to record with @x3mboy. A time will be set later.

A Fedocal event for this exists here.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: meeting
- Issue priority set to: urgent (1-2 weeks) (was: by next meeting)

6 years ago

We decided on recording at 16:00 CEST (10:00 UTC-4) in IRC. Fedocal is down now, but I will update the invite when it goes back up.

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue tagged with: next meeting

6 years ago

We did it today! @x3mboy will edit it and publish it soon. We can close this ticket once we have the link for published podcast.

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue untagged with: next meeting
- Issue tagged with: blocked

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue assigned to x3mboy (was: bee2502)

6 years ago

Thanks @x3mboy for doing it :)
Is this published ?
Can we get the link here please?

@x3mboy Ping – did you have a chance to work out publishing this yet? If there's a delay, that's not a problem, but curious to know where things stand.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: next meeting)

5 years ago

I know @x3mboy is planning to relaunch the podcast with a second season, and this includes the episode the team recorded in July. Since there is nothing left for the D&I team to work on for this ticket, I am closing it as complete. :clapper:

@x3mboy, let us know once it's published! :smile:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: blocked

5 years ago

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