#65 Engagement strategy to grow D&I team
Closed: duplicate 4 years ago by jflory7. Opened 6 years ago by bee2502.

We have been discussing about a strategy to grow the team for quite some time now. This ticket is an extension of #2.


  • Different strategy for existing Fedora community members and newcomers. Community experience should be an incentive not an entry barrier.
  • Being a part of the D&I team is not a requirement to support D&I efforts in Fedora.


=== To involve new contributors to Fedora ===

  • Encourage participation to other Fedora subprojects
    For example, they can explore and collect Fedora Badges to get to know different areas in Fedora community. We should also encourage them to get involved and communicate with different teams in Fedora to better aid their D&I oriented efforts.

  • Seek help for tasks where we need support from other Fedora subprojects
    For example, these contributors can support us with Design, translation, video creation and captioning. #33 could be a good example ticket here.

  • Leveraging their local network and FOSS involvement for outreach events like FWD

Similar to the process followed by Design team, we can include them in FAS group after they successfully help us with few tasks related to our ongoing work and are active in atleast one other subproject in Fedora. I don't think we should let the duration of involvement with Fedora community be a barrier here - someone can create a FAS account a year before and do nothing while others can just contribute a lot in first few months.

=== For an existing Fedora community member ===

I think we should let the community member decide their path forward here. Here are a few areas where we could leverage their experience:

  • Facilitate cross-team communication across Fedora

  • Leveraging their local network and FOSS involvement for outreach events

  • Members who are also involved with other open source projects beyond Fedora can help us learn more about successful D&I practises in other projects.

A key note here is that during our communication with the rest of Fedora community we should emphasize that being a part of the D&I team is not a requirement to support D&I efforts in Fedora. This way someone can help with a part of one effort without necessarily increasing their workload by too much.

  • Pathways to get more community members involved

I like @bex 's suggestion to have one action item for community members during Fedora podcast. Broadly, we can publish a 'call for help' with clear and concise action items at some intervals.

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

6 years ago

Skipped for 2018-04-06 meeting.

We ran out of time to cover this ticket in today's meeting. We can revisit at next meeting.

Should we add tasks for newcomers to ticket description for tickets which are suitable for new contributors? This will give them a better idea.

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue assigned to bee2502

6 years ago

Team agreed with the proposal in meeting on 2018-04-13. Need to break this proposal into small actionable tasks.

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue untagged with: meeting

6 years ago

@bee2502 do we have any update on this? do you need help with something?

@jonatoni I dont have the time to work on this before FLOCK. Feel free to work on this - If not, I will focus on this after FLOCK.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: 60)
- Issue set to the milestone: Future releases

6 years ago

@bee2502 @jonatoni where are we on this?
Is there any next action item planned which can be taken up here? Thanks.

Metadata Update from @jonatoni:
- Issue tagged with: meeting

5 years ago

There was a discussion on this in the team meeting on 05.05.19 and it was decided to improve engagement by communicating D&I team work through Fedora Community Blog quarterly. More details in #102

Should we close this? @amsharma @jonatoni @jflory7 @pyadav @nikhilkathole

Metadata Update from @bee2502:
- Issue untagged with: meeting
- Issue tagged with: needs votes, type - awareness, type - onboarding

5 years ago

@bee2502 if you think #102 includes all the ideas you have written at this ticket, we can close it. Otherwise we keep just to discuss it regarding the other ideas. But is better if we have one ticket per each idea since it is easier for other people to help us as well

@bee2502 I agree with @jonatoni here. #102 is just a small part of this. The range of ideas, you have originally put here is quite vast and deserve more efforts. Let's keep it open and implement one by one each of them by opening individual tickets. Thanks.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue set to the milestone: None (was: Future releases)

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: needs votes
- Issue tagged with: improvement

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Assignee reset
- Issue untagged with: needs feedback
- Issue priority set to: needs review (was: waiting on assignee)

4 years ago

This ticket was opened in April 2018 and the last comment was May 2019. While on-boarding is important and relevant to our team, I think we need to come back with a fresh discussion on on-boarding if we want to dedicate discussion time.

I believe our newer tickets and recent focus in the last month are a part of the puzzle in bringing new people into the team. So, I am going to close this ticket as duplicate because I think we are doing the work for this ticket in other places.

If we want to reopen this discussion, let us do it as a new ticket with fresh ideas for 2020.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: duplicate
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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