#103 Per Page/article credits
Closed 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by bex.

I really like that idea. I'm wondering if we want to automate that somehow and maybe extract the info from git, or just ask the authors to write their name in the page, likely as metadata to the document.

I really like that idea. I'm wondering if we want to automate that somehow and maybe extract the info from git, or just ask the authors to write their name in the page, likely as metadata to the document.

I like the metadata approach better, if we just use git, some contributors who maybe emailed their work would not get the credit. We need to tweak the css so it responds to that, when the contributor list becomes big it could look very cluttered if it takes half the page. About the order: should we have the latest new contributors appear first so that it's visible which new members helped on what page? I think this could be good idea to highlight the newest fedorans engaging with helping the docs.

That's a good point about the e-mailed contributions commited by someone else. It's also possible to make contributions that shouldn't be credited as writing the article, e.g. adding some other metadata across a large set of pages.

Of course, we'd have to update the credits manually, but I believe it's safe to assume that any contributor will either add their own credits, or ask the committer to do it, or they don't care. I guess.

I tend to agree with @ojn that being able to manage that list directly could be beneficial, despite the extra little work of maintaining it by hand. Let me have a look at the implementation.

Metadata Update from @asamalik:
- Issue assigned to asamalik

6 years ago

So, authors can be specified in each source file like this: https://docs.antora.org/antora/1.1/asciidoc/page-header/#author-syntax

I'm failing to access that info from the UI — asking upstream.

Good news! Mostly.

I've just pushed an implementation that shows this at the bottom of each page:


If there are no authors listed, it shows this:


Authors are defined as described in the Antora docs (the link in the previous comment) with a little workaround (as Antora doesn't pass the information to the UI, yet):

= Page title
John Doe <optional@email.com>; Optional Author Two <and@their.email>
:authors: {author}, {author_2}

The :authors: line needs to be specified, with {author}, {author_2}, {author_3} etc. for the authors to be visible in the UI. It's a temporary workaround before they fix it upstream.

But the emails aren't available (mailto link) in the view, right?

Metadata Update from @pbokoc:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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