#14 Should we consolidate all of the Fedora Docs versions into a single line on the main index?
Closed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by bex.

I've got a Proof of Concept in my update_index branch. I have the design skills of a noodle so feedback wanted.

Would it be possible to have the landing page show the latest docs by default? I.e. show directly links to published docs (RN, IG, etc.). Older versions then can be in a single line below.

Would it be possible to have the landing page show the latest docs by default? I.e. show directly links to published docs (RN, IG, etc.). Older versions then can be in a single line below.

This is possible. I'd like to see a mockup, but I like the concept.

I like this a lot Robert - way better than what I did. I do wonder if we shouldn't have more of the docs on the left though as that text is somewhat filler-esque.

Barring other opinions/options, I'd like to see this move forward.

I do wonder if we shouldn't have more of the docs on the left though as that text is somewhat filler-esque.

Agree. I actually thought it would make more sense to have the menu on the left because the AB layout of the docs has the navig. menu on the left, too -- it seems to me that it would feel a bit more natural if the menu didn't jump from one side to the other.

I only put it on the right in the mock up because it was there already.

@rkratky - @mattdm and me were hacking on the site and put a version at docs.stg.fp.o that folds in some of your ideas. WDYT?

Closing as this has been implemented.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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