#200 Retire Telegram Group
Closed: Fixed 2 years ago by bcotton. Opened 2 years ago by bcotton.

We agreed that since

  1. Matrix provides many of the ease-of-use features that caused us to use Telegram in the first place
  2. The Telegram group is no longer bridged to IRC/Matrix

We should retire the group in order to keep chat consolidated

Posted in the TG channel. Will do it again next week and then ask admins to remove the group.

Respected sir @bcotton,

I have resolved the issue#188 have submitted PR . PLease review.

As an outreachy applicant which issue should i work upon?

About Me:
I am an undergraduate student of IT. In my first year I started doing competitive coding and still today I am doing competitive coding.

In my second year I got to know about open source from GSoC and outreachy internship,
I started contributing to repositories like kubernetes-client, Pycharm, Cherrypy, LoginRadius, Cataclysm-DDA etc. I have a lot of PRs merged into these repositories(https://github.com/ps-19).

In my third year I am doing software development using Nodejs, Express, React, MongoDB, Django etc. and made some projects on them
and right now I am working on some projects on Deep Learning (github.com/ps-19).
I am doing competitive coding and contributing to open source as well,
I have experience in complete(backend and frontend) software development and web development using MERN stack and other techs.

My github account is https://github.com/ps-19 and my resume could be found here https://bit.ly/3IiJ6XD, email is (priyansh.singh100@gmail.com)
and portfolio here https://ps-19.github.io/Portfolio/. Kindly give me at least one opportunity to prove myself.

Thank you.
Priyansh Singh


@ps-19 your comment is entirely off-topic for this issue. Please see Fedora Discussion for information.

Telegram group admins have closed the channel and pinned the message about using Matrix/IRC

Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Issue close_status updated to: Fixed

2 years ago

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