#44 Clean up pass:attribute[{blank}]
Opened 7 years ago by bex. Modified 2 years ago

We appear to have a lot of pass:attribute[{blank}] in our documents. These "tokens" were inserted to force AsciiDoctor to render text formatting inside of span tags.

I believe we can replace this by using unconstrained text formatting. See: http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/chunked/ch10.html

To show an example, these both render to the same output:

What we have now:

In NFS installations, specified that the target is an ISO image located on an NFS server instead of an installable tree. The difference is now detected automatically, which means this option is the same as [option]#inst.repo=nfs:pass:attributes[{blank}]_server_:/pass:attributes[{blank}]_path_pass:attributes[{blank}]#.

What I propose[^1]

In NFS installations, specified that the target is an ISO image located on an NFS server instead of an installable tree. The difference is now detected automatically, which means this option is the same as [option]#inst.repo=nfs:__server__:/__path__#.

These both render as:

<p>In NFS installations, specified that the target is an ISO image located on an NFS server instead of an installable tree. The difference is now detected automatically, which means this option is the same as <span class="option">inst.repo=nfs:<em>server</em>:/<em>path</em></span>.</p>

[^1] Technically not all text formatting needs to be entered with unconstrained markup. For example, the path above can be rendered just fine with a single underscore. However, for consistency and ease of use, I propose that all span'ed formatting be done with unconstrained markup.

Metadata Update from @darknao:
- Issue priority set to: Low
- Issue tagged with: content, tooling

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @darknao:
- Issue marked as depending on: #193

2 years ago

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