#5 Enable translations
Closed 3 years ago by darknao. Opened 7 years ago by bex.

We need to:

  1. Enable pushing POT files into Zanata
  2. Enable pulling POT files and publishing as languages are ready
  3. Don't forget about menu titles, see https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/issue/1

This will get done when the translations code is ready. It is being worked on in https://pagure.io/fork/bex/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/branch/multi-language-support

Not yet. I was trying to do a full push to Zanata last Friday and didn't get it done for $yakshaving reasons. I am going to try to do it this Friday and just get it in there so we can get to work on the translations.

We have a basic idea of how we are going to publish them. So there is no reason to stop translators from getting what they need to do done.

Well, I guess this is completed :)

Metadata Update from @darknao:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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