#25 Consider moving Remixes wiki page to more appropriate location Created 3 months ago by @abkahrs Modified 3 months ago
I mentioned to @bex in IRC that the below linked page on the wiki seems to be in the wrong place given the new purpose of the wiki. He asked that I create an issue here. I feel this should be moved to a location that is easier to find as well as more relevant to role it play in Fedora. Possibly under a related topic to the SIGs, or subprojects.
Wiki page in question: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Remix
CC: @tjzabel @jflory7
The wiki page is probably a good candidate to move into the remix-building docs.
cc: @abkahrs @tjzabel @ctmartin
Metadata Update from @darknao: - Issue priority set to: Low - Issue tagged with: content
Kindly reminder @bex : is it still needed and is remix-building a good space for that page?
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