Once our docs are migrated, we should consider repurposing this text by @pbokoc about our Telegram Bridge. This was original emailed to the docs list:
The Telegram <-> IRC bridge for #fedora-docs is now up, so you can join the channel through Telegram: http://t.me/fedora_docs. This brings the Docs Project together with several other Fedora communities that already use the same setup for their channels. A full list of these is at: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Telegram
If you're not familiar with Telegram, it's a chat protocol and a set of apps (for both mobile and desktop) that give you some advantages that IRC doesn't have (without a bouncer at least), namely that messages are stored persistently so you don't lose any conversations that happen when your IRC client isn't running. More info here: https://telegram.org/
Since this is a bridge, messages between Telegram and IRC are forwarded back and forth by a bot: fdocs-tg on IRC and #fedora-docs IRC bridge on Telegram. Pings work the same way they normally do, if you ping someone's username (not the bot), they'll get a notification if they haven't disabled them in their client. Direct messages (IRC /query and Secret Chat on Telegram) don't work between the two protocols, however.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue assigned to jflory7
Fixed in #16. Closing as complete.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue close_status updated to: complete - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee - Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 33 - Issue tagged with: type - existing docs
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