#104 Incorrect anchor links
Opened 2 years ago by jayman. Modified 2 years ago

Document URL:

Section name:
Boot Loader Installation

Error or suggestion:
It says "For details, see Installing_Using_Anaconda.adoc#sect-installation-gui-manual-partitioning-recommended." The link leads to the top of the current page and doesn't provide relevant information.

It looks like similar links appear throughout Installing Using Anaconda. Here's some more examples:

  • "Click the Add iSCSI Target button in the bottom right corner of the Installing_Using_Anaconda.adoc#sect-installation-gui-installation-destination screen." - Add iSCSI Target
  • "[…]all nodes you have configured will now be shown in the list of network disks in Installing_Using_Anaconda.adoc#sect-installation-gui-installation-destination." - Add iSCSI Target
  • "Click the Add FCoE SAN button in the bottom right corner of Installing_Using_Anaconda.adoc#sect-installation-gui-installation-destination." - Add FCoE SAN

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