#140 Content for Quick docs' front page
Closed: complete 2 years ago by bcotton. Opened 5 years ago by x3mboy.

The content of the front page is contributor oriented, is a call for contribute, but it actually doesn't reflect what are you going to find in the Quick docs sub-section of the documents.

I was thinking in put this content in a "Contribute to (quick) docs" and use this page to guide people into the actual content of the quick docs, that, IMHO, is: short action-oriented documents to solve specific problems.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: waiting on assignee (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: help wanted, improvement

5 years ago

Hi @x3mboy, good point. I think the home page of Quick Docs could better explain the content and we could split the contribution guide off to another page. I think the original motivation for this was before we had much content there.

A Docs Team member like @pbokoc or @ankursinha should weigh in, but this change makes sense to me. I think we need someone to lead the effort on this task.

:thumbsup: Any chance you can open a PR @x3mboy (or get someone to volunteer to do so :P)?

As I said on Telegram earlier, I agree that we should keep the quick-docs index reader-oriented. We should move contributor info into the docs contributor's guide as a separate chapter; same with the release notes (also a separate chapter) to replace the boilerplate currently pasted into each issue.

Here's the issue for the docs contributor's guide: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/documentation-contributors-guide/issue/7 - when that's done we can write some better content for the quick-docs index.

Hi! So, I have more knowledge of Antora and Fedora's implementation than I did one year ago when I last commented. If I had someone to work together with from the Join SIG, I could help bring this contributor-focused page into the Documentation Contributor's Guide, and then we can refactor the existing quick-docs landing page.

Are you interested in helping out with this? Drop a comment! :grin:

This is mostly accomplished by 15f13e0 and 892b3be, so I'm going to close this. We can always make more improvements later.

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue close_status updated to: complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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