#660 All content missing from "Using Fedora Media Writer" section of "Creating and using a live installation image" page
Opened 6 months ago by adamwill. Modified 6 months ago

https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/creating-and-using-a-live-installation-image/#using-fedora-media-writer has almost no content. It's just a section heading, a short introductory sentence, and a warning box. That's it.

The old wiki page has much more content in that section: https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=How_to_create_and_use_Live_USB&oldid=504047#Quickstart:_Using_Fedora_Media_Writer . This content was initially imported to the docs in d66c5e0 and 'cleaned' in 4084b46 , but seems to have been mostly removed in 74a6ec0 . It was not fully restored in ba4f1e9 . I could send a PR to just stuff that converted content back in, but not sure entirely what's going on here, so I figured I'd file an issue.

Hi Adam,

Yeh, not sure what happened here---looks like some bits got lots in the cleaning/re-organising. I think adding the stuff back in here is the best thing to do to begin with, and we can then keep it up to date. What do you think?

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue priority set to: needs review (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: bug, improvement, needs changes

6 months ago

yeah, I was figuring you'd want to do something along those lines.

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