#625 Import attributes file
Closed 10 months ago by pboy. Opened 10 months ago by rosmaita.
fedora-docs/ rosmaita/quick-docs issue/624  into  main

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ 

  = DNF System Upgrade


+ include::ROOT:partial$attributes.adoc[]


  link:++https://github.com/rpm-software-management/dnf-plugins-extras++[`dnf-plugin-system-upgrade`] is a plugin for the xref:dnf.adoc[DNF] package manager and is used to upgrade your system to the current release of Fedora.

  For Fedora Silverblue and Fedora CoreOS, which use rpm-ostree, you may refer to link:++https://coreos.github.io/rpm-ostree/administrator-handbook/++[rpm-ostree documentation] for details.

Commit a2d54f5 replaced hard-coded version numbers with reusable
AsciiDoc attributes which are displaying in "raw" format. Import the
attributes file to correct this.

The issue was my fault while editing the file to move partials into the main body and to add metadata.
While doing that, I fixed this issue, too. So it's already merged and I close this PR. Thanks nevertheless.

Pull-Request has been closed by pboy

10 months ago