#305 Please update hardware minimums
Closed 2 years ago by bcotton. Opened 5 years ago by mattdm.

The page at https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes/blob/master/f/modules/release-notes/pages/welcome/Hardware_Overview.adoc recommends a minimum of 1GB of RAM. This is not really workable with today's graphic environments.


  1. Break this out into Fedora Workstation, Fedora Server/Cloud, Fedora IoT, and Fedora CoreOS (check with each team to get good numbers)
  2. Also note that other spins and environments may have their own greater or lesser requirements
  3. Note something realistic for a minimal "from scratch" install.

Oh, I just did something to the hardware minimums. https://pagure.io/fork/augenauf/fedora-docs/release-notes/c/64968b010d0c6970ceaa02b818d95088b0be922c

I think your idea to split it up between the different products would be the best.

There is an old thread here: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/docs@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/3JXWUZQ5JVGECQ2LBRUC5IU5KDMW3FIB/

Metadata Update from @mjahoda:
- Issue assigned to mjahoda

4 years ago

I have gone through several documents, threads, and wiki pages regarding this. There is still a lot of questionable items but I put together this (WIP) initial draft for the Release notes:

= Hardware requirements

== HW requirements for the Workstation, Server, and SilverBlue editions

=== Minimum hardware requirements

* CPU: single-core, 1 GHz (1)
* System memory: 2 GB (2)
* Drive space: 10 GB
* Graphics: capable of the 800 x 600 resolution (3)

=== Recommended minimum hardware requirements

* CPU: dual-core, 1,5 GHz (1)
* System memory: 4 GB (2)
* Drive space: 20 GB
* Graphics: OpenGL 1.3-capable GPU (4)

(1) In case of AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures
(2) Consider using an installation image on USB or DVD and choosing a Fedora Spin with a lightweight desktop environment when installing on systems with less than 2 GB RAM
(3) For the graphical installation program (Anaconda)
(4) For GNOME Shell and the Mutter compositing manager

=== Supported architectures

* AMD and Intel 64-bit architectures (x86_64)
* The 64-bit ARM architecture (aarch64) (1)

(1) link:https://alt.fedoraproject.org/alt/[Alternate architectures]

== HW requirements for the CoreOS edition

* [TBD]

== HW requirements for the IoT edition

* [TBD]

Current hardware requirements in the docs are higher than what was in this report. Closing the issue.

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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