#406 F31 installer release notes
Closed 4 years ago by pbokoc. Opened 4 years ago by pbokoc.

Comment below if there's a change in anaconda, initial-setup, blivet, or any other installer-related components in F31 that we should document in the relnotes.

Fedora Silverblue installer now supports pre-installed flatpaks.

The flatpaks will part of the installer installation image and will be always installed.

Network configuration module has been adapted to the changes caused by using NetworkManager for network configuration in initramfs, fixing several use cases broken by the change.

I am not sure if it is worth considering in relnotes though.

  • ZRAM is now started during live installation, making successful installations possible on some low memory systems
  • starting with Fedora 31 password based root SSH logins are disabled - to ease the transition Anaconda adds a checkbox in the graphical root configuration spoke to override this behavior and enable password based root SSH logins

Storage DBus module
The support for the Storage module is almost complete. However, Anaconda still uses its local storage object in Fedora 31. The storage-related code was cleaned-up.

Move all spokes to the Summary hub
Spokes from the User Settings category were moved to the Summary hub.

Hide spokes with the Anaconda configuration file
The installer hides spokes specified in the hidden_spokes option of the Anaconda configuration file. The user interaction config file is no longer used for hiding spokes.

Add the apply-updates script
Run /usr/libexec/anaconda/apply-updates to download and extract the given updates image.
Anaconda will use the updated files during the next run.

Increase EFI System Partition (ESP) size to 200-600 MiB
See the description at: https://github.com/rhinstaller/anaconda/pull/2124

Verify existing unlocked LUKS devices without keys (#1624617)
An existing unlocked LUKS device cannot be used for the installation without an encryption key. The installer will show a warning and ask a user to rescan the storage.

Fall back to a boot drive with a valid stage1 device (#1168118)
When the boot drive is not specified, try to find a disk with a valid stage1 device. Don't look for a disk with a /boot partition, because the partition doesn't have to be a valid stage1 device.

Switch between layouts without confirmation (#1333984)
User should be able to switch between chosen layouts without accessing the keyboard spoke to approve the changed layout.

Parse the output of df correctly (#1708701)
The installer failed to parse output of the df command if there was a device mounted at a path that contained white spaces.

Skip scaling if there is no primary monitor (#1592014)
The installer shouldn't fail if no primary monitor is configured by the user.

Improved displaying of multiple IP addresses in Network GUI spoke (fixed issues in case of multiple IPv6 addresses). (#1593561)

Metadata Update from @pbokoc:
- Issue assigned to pbokoc

4 years ago

Minor changes in payload logic which is start of migration to Anaconda payload module.

-- if you think it should be part of the release notes too

Fix noverifyssl when downloading .treeinfo file (#1723811)
Fix ssl error when downloading .treeinfo. The ssl error happens because the ssl check is not disabled even when inst.noverifyssl is used.

Metadata Update from @pbokoc:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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