#908 776 - Retire ARMv7
Merged 2 years ago by pbokoc. Opened 2 years ago by pbokoc.
fedora-docs/ pbokoc/release-notes 776  into  f37

@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ 

  * We tested CM 4 and will support on the official IO board. Other devices that incorporate CM 4 should work correctly provided the vendor has their support in the upstream Raspberry Pi firmware/overlays.

  * The hardware based media decoding (H264/HVEC, and others) are our of scope for this change.


+ [[retire-armv7]]

+ == ARMv7 architecture is no longer supported


+ Fedora 37 drops support for older ARM devices using the ARMv7 (also known as arm32 or armhfp) architecture. Such devices running older Fedora releases will not be able to upgrade, and will not be able to do a fresh Fedora 37 installation.



  == Fedora Server Edition available as KVM virtual machine disk image


Pull-Request has been merged by pbokoc

2 years ago