#6 Make sure that it is possible to build documentation without internet
Opened 5 years ago by ignatenkobrain. Modified 5 years ago

podman run --rm -it -v "/home/brain/Projects/upstream/packaging-committee:/antora:z" \
    antora/antora --html-url-extension-style=indexify site.yml
error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN asamalik.fedorapeople.org:443

I thought about this and I think the best way of achieving this would be including the UI in the builder image.

Metadata Update from @asamalik:
- Issue assigned to asamalik

5 years ago

How do we alert people to update their image?

@bex, we update animage? And users do podman pull?

One idea is the build.sh would try to do pull every time it runs? But it wouldn't fail on that if the user is offline.

@bex, we update animage? And users do podman pull?

AFAIK there is no indicator in docker or podman that newer images are available but not pulled. @asamalik's idea would be a fine one.

Another option which came to my mind while traveling by train is to have git submodule. This would be not only template but can be also some custom macros like I want in #10.

Users will to just git submodule update or something like that and get newer version. Good thing about this is if something breaks in their UI, they can do bisect on "shared" git repo.


@ignatenkobrain I think the problem is not the mechanics of the update — that's quite easy. But rather how do we notify people that there is an update available, so they actually pull it.

@asamalik what I wanted to point out is that way we distribute thing is important too.

If we have container, users can't easily send patch, test build and do any kind of bisection.

If we have shared git repo, users can test something locally and send patches to upstream. And at any time do any bisection they like.

Notifications with git repo can be pretty easy, you just send automatic email when somebody pushes to shared repo. And build.sh (or Makefile in case of packaging-committee) would do git submodule update.

@ignatenkobrain we'll definitely have a git repo. The reason we don't have one is that at the moment we're using the upstream image.

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