#290 As a user, I want to turn the IRC integration on or off
Opened 7 years ago by jcline. Modified 7 years ago

As a user, I want to be able to turn the IRC functionality of Hubs on or off. IRC
integration is an opt-in feature and is not something everyone will want to use.
Therefore, we need a way to track what users have opted into the service.


This task involves a modification to the database model as well as a user interface
element. Flipping this button should eventually cause Hubs to set the user up in the
IRC bouncer, but that is not part of this issue.


The database model needs to have a boolean field added to it to track whether a
user has opted in. This field should default to false and a migration needs to be

User Interface

The design of the user interface element is being tracked in issue #284.

I've ruminated on this a bit (and seen a lot more of how Hubs is implemented), and I think that perhaps it makes more sense to add this field to the user model in FAS (as someone brought up in IRC). It's appealing because it keeps FAS as the single place to look for all user settings in the Fedora world. This seems good for both the user and the developer since users have one place to update their settings, and developers don't have to deal with joining the two separate data stores behind the scenes.

Hubs is then simply responsible for updating FAS on behalf of the user and poking ircb as necessary, rather than storing that configuration itself.

I have opened a PR against FAS_3.0 for the database changes. This should give us a place to store everything we need to have a user register.

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