#1902 Planet: add new route
Opened 3 months ago by phsmoura. Modified 3 months ago
fedora-infra/ phsmoura/ansible deploy_fedora_planet_prod_issue_10383  into  main

@@ -63,6 +63,15 @@ 


        haproxy.router.openshift.io/timeout: 5m


+   - role: openshift/route

+     app: planet

+     routename: planet

+     host: "planet{{env_suffix}}.fedoraproject.org"

+     serviceport: web

+     servicename: planet

+     annotations:

+       haproxy.router.openshift.io/timeout: 5m


    - role: openshift/object

      app: planet

      template: deployment.yml

So, we need to do a bit of work here before we can do this.

First, we need to add planet.stg.fedoraproject.org to dns. :) I've done that now.

Next, we need to adjust the website on the proxies...

We need to add an alias for planet.stg in playbooks/include/proxies-websites.yml and then drop the redirect I guess.
I hope no one is using planet.fedoraproject.org (it redirects to fedoraplanet.org right now).
We could just seperate out staging and do that first, or just do them both...

1 new commit added

  • Planet: Add PVC in playbook
3 months ago

rebased onto 9db1d8d

3 months ago

Ok, just addind a reminder here that when we merge this PR those new routes should be added in the python script in planet github repo
