#773 keep weekly weblate backups on backup01
Merged 2 years ago by kevin. Opened 2 years ago by darknao.
fedora-infra/ darknao/ansible weblate_backup  into  main

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ 

  ansible_ifcfg_blocklist: true


  grokmirror_topdir: /fedora_backups/grokmirror

+ weblate_backup_topdir: /fedora_backups/misc/weblate




@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ 

        nfs_mount_opts: "rw,hard,bg,intr,noatime,nodev,nosuid,sec=sys,nfsvers=3",

        nfs_src_dir: 'fedora_backups' }

    - grokmirror_mirror

+   - weblate_backup



    - import_tasks: "{{ tasks_path }}/yumrepos.yml"

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ 

+ - name: Install packages

+   package:

+     name:

+     - borgbackup

+     state: present

+   tags:

+   - weblate_backup


+ - name: Create a non root user to run the code

+   user:

+     name: _backup_weblate

+   tags:

+   - weblate_backup


+ - name: Copy private key

+   copy:

+     src: "{{ private }}/files/weblate/id_rsa"

+     dest: ~_backup_weblate/.ssh/id_rsa

+     owner: _backup_weblate

+     group: _backup_weblate

+     mode: 0600

+   tags:

+   - weblate_backup


+ - name: Copy passphrase file

+   copy:

+     src: "{{ private }}/files/weblate/borg_passphrase"

+     dest: ~_backup_weblate/.borgpass

+     owner: _backup_weblate

+     group: _backup_weblate

+     mode: 0600

+   tags:

+   - weblate_backup


+ - name: Install backup script

+   template:

+     src: weblate-backup

+     dest: /usr/local/bin/weblate-backup

+     owner: root

+     group: root

+     mode: 0755

+   tags:

+   - weblate_backup


+ - name: Setup cron job

+   template:

+     src: cron-weblate-backup

+     dest: /etc/cron.d/cron-weblate-backup

+     owner: root

+     group: root

+     mode: 0644

+   tags:

+   - weblate_backup


+ - name: Create directory to mirror backups to

+   file:

+     dest: "{{ weblate_backup_topdir }}"

+     mode: 0755

+     state: directory

+     owner: _backup_weblate

+   tags:

+   - weblate_backup

@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ 0 2 * * 0 _weblate_backup /usr/local/bin/weblate-backup

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash


+ pass_file=~/.borgpass

+ backup_prefix=weblate_backup

+ dest_backup={{ weblate_backup_topdir }}


+ dest_backup_file=${dest_backup}/${backup_prefix}_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).tar.gz

+ export BORG_RSH="ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"

+ export BORG_REPO="ssh://u164666-sub8@u164666-sub8.your-storagebox.de:23/./backups"


+ #############################


+ if [ ! -f "$pass_file" ]; then

+   echo "Passphrase file not found!"

+   exit 1

+ fi

+ export BORG_PASSCOMMAND="cat $pass_file"


+ echo "* listing backup ..."

+ last_backup=$(borg list --last 1 | awk '{print $1}')

+ if [ -z "$last_backup" ]; then

+   echo "* no backup found"

+   exit 1

+ fi

+ echo "* last backup is $last_backup"



+ echo "* extracting backup to $dest_backup ..."

+ borg export-tar ::$last_backup $dest_backup_file

+ echo "* extraction complete"


+ echo "* purging old backups ..."

+ # 56 days = 8 weeks

+ find ${dest_backup} -name ${backup_prefix}\*.gz -ctime +56 -exec rm -v {} \;

+ echo "* purge complete"

Related: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8729

A couple of files is needed for this:
/srv/private/ansible/files/weblate/id_rsa : ssh private key to access weblate backup host
/srv/private/ansible/files/weblate/borg_passphrase : passphrase used to decrypt the borgbackup repository

Backups will go in /fedora_backups/misc/weblate on backup01, fetched weekly, with 8 weeks retention.

rebased onto 81dc0135a538c9e00a3465cc88954278fb552631

2 years ago

Looks pretty good to me, but lets wait until after freeze.

This has conflicts now, can you rebase?

rebased onto a60f8aded3a3fb4ce2efa70af96e72c160546bff

2 years ago

Merge Failed.

This change or one of its cross-repo dependencies was unable to be automatically merged with the current state of its repository. Please rebase the change and upload a new patchset.

rebased onto d08cad7267a8a0ec4f062a2c66e9e9d336ae0b73

2 years ago

rebased onto 2b2b53848ddcf5ed64a73aa7ccabd7ca0dab6d03

2 years ago

rebased onto db33459b46c66056892c57fe368e46efe9d6dde4

2 years ago

rebased onto db33459b46c66056892c57fe368e46efe9d6dde4

2 years ago

rebased onto e0941ac

2 years ago

rebased onto e0941ac

2 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

2 years ago