#10081 add serial console access for aws-infra
Closed: Fixed 2 years ago by mobrien. Opened 2 years ago by nb.

16:02 <nb> mobrien nirik any idea what permissions are necessary to use ec2 serial console for an instance?
16:02 <nb> apparently aws-infra doesn't make it work
16:02 <nb> I tried instance connect too, and it says I don't have permission
16:02 <nb> I want to figure out why respins01 didn't come back after I did system-upgrade from 32 to 33
16:08 <nirik> huh, no, not sure. I think they added the serial sometime not long ago?
16:08 <nirik> I can poke at it in a bit, in the bowells of budget pondering.
16:20 <nb> nirik I think I need ec2-instance-connect:SendSerialConsoleSSHPublicKey
16:20 <+mobrien> nb from what I remember we only have serial console access on the aws-master role only. I don't think it comes as default with any of the generic ec2 iam policies so would need to be explicitly added
16:21 <nb> mobrien yeah, if it could be added to aws-infra..... for FedoraGroup infra tag, that would be good
16:21 * nb was reading https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/configure-access-to-serial-console.html#serial-console-iam

This should be all working now. Feel free to reopen if necessary

Metadata Update from @mobrien:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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