#10241 Port apps to OIDC
Opened 2 years ago by zlopez. Modified 5 months ago

Describe what you would like us to do:

We still have apps that are not yet using OIDC for authentication. It would be nice to add support to them, so we are no longer blocked by this tech debt.

Here is the list of the apps that still needs to be ported:
Apps CPE owns and are critical
pagure (Already implemented, but needs changes in ipsilon. See https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7377 for more details)
PDC (PDC will be probably retired in future)

Apps CPE hosts and are critical
Mailman3 / HK

Apps CPE hosts and aren't critical
* testdays

It's possible that some of them are already ported over to OIDC (especially those we don't host), it needs to be checked.

When do you need this to be done by? (YYYY/MM/DD)

Not urgent.

also, not sure about noggin -- it uses neither openid or openid connect

the MBS readme states that it uses OIDC:


or is there something i am missing here?

Ok, some of these are not actaully needed, see inline comments

Describe what you would like us to do:

We still have apps that are not yet using OIDC for authentication. It would be nice to add support to them, so we are no longer blocked by this tech debt.

Here is the list of the apps that still needs to be ported:
Apps CPE owns and are critical
pagure (Already implemented, but needs changes in ipsilon. See https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7377 for more details)

Noggin doesnt use openid or oidc

  • PDC (PDC will be probably retired in future)
  • FMN

Apps CPE hosts and are critical
* Mailman3 / HK

  • OSBS
    OSBS doesnt use openid it seems
  • MBS

MBS uses oidc already apparently

Apps CPE hosts and aren't critical
* testdays
doenst use openid or oidc

It's possible that some of them are already ported over to OIDC (especially those we don't host), it needs to be checked.

When do you need this to be done by? (YYYY/MM/DD)

Not urgent.

Okay, here is the curated list:

[backlog refinement]
Here is the up to date list:

[Backlog refinement]
There is a CPE initiative team working on the rewrite of FMN, which should address this issue as well.

I guess that'd be https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/testdays-web ?

And maybe bba should be added to the list?

blockerbugs (I am planning to port it).

Also, is there a plan to drop basic oauth2? I am Maintaining FAS integration on forum.mojefedora.cz, and it's using oauth plugin instead of oidc (I had really hard time getting oidc work there, so I fell back to oauth).

@frantisekz I don't know about any deadline for dropping basic oauth2, at least not for now.

Here is the up to date list:

Pagure is still sadly blocked. ;(

There's OIDC support in pagure, but ipsilon doesn't support variable scopes that we need to enable it.
As far as I know.

Pagure is still sadly blocked. ;(

There's OIDC support in pagure, but ipsilon doesn't support variable scopes that we need to enable it.
As far as I know.

Wasn't that for the API though? We may be able to migrate the web UI part and
leave the API to using the current API token system. Not ideal, but could work

Yeah, that was the api.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue tagged with: blocked

9 months ago

[backlog refinement]
Nuancier is being deprecated now - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11371
PDC is being deprecated as initiative
Pagure is being ported to RHEL 9 (this should solve the OIDC issue)
COPR implemented https://github.com/fedora-copr/copr/issues/2422
Mailman 3/HK are being updated which should solve the OIDC support as well

Nuancier is now decommissioned.

FYI, kerneltest is still using openid also. ;)

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dev Status: Backlog
mini-initative Status: Backlog