#1097 Trac upgrade on fedorahosted
Closed: Fixed None Opened 16 years ago by lmacken.

The latest version of trac contains vast improvements with regard to ticket workflow, and would be great to have on fedorahosted.org.

sspreitzer -

I noticed that you're not in sysadmin-hosted, so probably not famailar with all that goes on there :). This is a very non-trivial task.

We use a variety of plugins, all of which need to validated for compatibility with 0.11, and I'm personally aware of several that would need to be upgraded. We also need to convince Jesse to upgrade the version of trac in EPEL (not sure how willing he would be to do that, since it is incompatible and in conflict with the goals of EPEL).

[jstanley@hosted1 ~]$ rpm -qa | fgrep trac
[jstanley@hosted1 ~]$

Added ricky to CC since EPEL would need new trac packages.

I think you might have meant jkeating, since he owns trac in EPEL :-)

What's the status here? There's been no movement for awhile.

Nothing done yet, have to give it up. Cant find a sponsor.

11:42 < skvidal> here are the plugins we use
11:42 < skvidal> mercurial: 0.11
11:42 < skvidal> bazaar: claims to work
11:42 < skvidal> xmlrpc: from their SCM copy
11:42 < skvidal> privatetickets: ??? - maybe
11:42 < skvidal> git-plugin: might need python 2.5 :(
11:42 < skvidal> ticketdelete: claims to work
11:42 < skvidal> toc-macro: 0.11
11:42 < skvidal> iniadmin: 0.11
11:42 < skvidal> customfieldsadmin: 0.11
11:42 < skvidal> webadmin: integrated into 0.11
11:42 < skvidal> and their 0.11 status
11:42 < skvidal> note the git-plugin one

I have a ticket #1488 that blocks on this, and would also like to look into installing http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/TracBacksPlugin, both dependent on an upgrade to 0.11 - what's the next step needed on this ticket?

We would have to upgrade fedora hosted to RHEL6 beta, as that will allow us to use trac 0.11 and all the right plugins with the right python version.

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