#11821 rhel7 - sundries servers
Opened 2 months ago by zlopez. Modified 3 days ago

Describe what you would like us to do:

RHEL 7 EOL is approaching (June 2024) and we still have some servers running on RHEL7 machines.

sundries01.iad2.fedoraproject.org, sundries01.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org sundries02.iad2.fedoraproject.org are one of these servers and we need to do something about.

When do you need this to be done by? (YYYY/MM/DD)

June 2024

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue assigned to kevin

2 months ago

I plan to look at these very soon. (Help welcome!)

We need to see all the things they are still doing and decide if we should just move them to rhel9, or want to try and work things so they can just be dropped.

I know they are used to sync a lot of things to proxies. They are also used I think for geoip requests.

So, I think a good step here might be to create a sundries02.stg that is rhel9 and work through deploying it and see what breaks/needs adjustment.

We can then look at it to test if things work

Then we can redeploy sundries01.stg as rhel9, make sure all the things that use that main node work.

Then we can do production.

Metadata Update from @zlopez:
- Issue assigned to zlopez (was: kevin)

3 days ago

I will start working on that.

Running the playbook on sundries02.stg, it failed on zanata role (missing package). Do we still need zanata? I thought that it's dead for some time.

I also noticed that geoip-city-wsgi/app role is limited to RHEL7. Not sure if we need it.

Yeah, I don't think we use zanata anymore for anything. we use weblate now...

On geoip, I thought it was still used by anaconda to figure out timezone/locations, but that could be long since no longer the case.
We will need to investigate.

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