#1490 Can shomyu has mailing list ?
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by bochecha.

I have a project at FedoraHosted.org: shomyu.

I was contacted by 2 people who are interested in contributing, so it looks like I just reached critical mass where a mailing-list is required :)

Thanks in advance

Hi Mathieu,

What would you like the name of the list to be? It could be shomyu, shomyu-users, shomyu-devel, shomyu-commits, etc, depending on the intended audience/use.

A simple « shomyu » list would be awesome for now.

Maybe when the project grows, I'll want to separate users and developers and so I'll ask for a second « shomyu-devel » list.

But right now, the project is in a very early stage and has no user (that I know of). So only « shomyu » for now, please :)

Done. You should be getting a mail with the list password in it shortly.

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