#1514 Hosting request for app generating ambassadors map.
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by susmit.

  1. I would like to host [https://fedorahosted.org/fama/browser/ambassadors_map this mapping app] somewhere. A test instance of this can be found [http://publictest15.fedoraproject.org/amb_map/ambassadors.html here]. What it does is self explanatory.

  2. [https://fedorahosted.org/fama/browser/ambassadors_map/ambassadors_location.txt This] file contains the location data extracted from fas. This is generated using [https://fedorahosted.org/fama/browser/membership-map.py this] python script. However, is it possible to have an automated authentication against fas for this script? Right now, it has to be run manually each time.

  3. If 2 can be done, we can set up a cron job to update the map periodically.


This seems more of an RFR, please fill out the following form. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/RFR

Project Sponsor

Name: Susmit Shannigrahi

Fedora Account Name: susmit

Group: Ambassadors

Infrastructure Sponsor: None so far.

Secondary Contact info

Name: Joerg Simon

Fedora Account Name: jsimon

Group: Ambassadors

Project Info: Mapping app extracting location info of Ambassadors and put it on a map, along with necessary contact information.

Project Name: Global Ambassadors map.

Target Audience: Anyone needing any info about fp.o. Inside and outside fp.o.

Expiration/Delivery Date (required): As soon as possible. :)

Description/Summary: Ambassadors are interface between the project and the people. So, whenever wants to know something about fedora, he/she cantacts an ambassador. So far, this has been a tedious process of searching through a number of user pages to know who is the nearest ambassador to contact. This map will enable anyone to locate the location of an ambassador and/or the nearest one whom to ask help for.

Project plan (Detailed): ^^, nothing to add.

Goals: ^^, nothing to add.

Specific resources needed:

  1. Hosting of https://fedorahosted.org/fama/browser/ambassadors_map/ambassadors.html
  2. Hosting of https://fedorahosted.org/fama/browser/ambassadors_map/ambassadors_location.txt (contains data of the map)
  3. Hosting and putting into cron this python script https://fedorahosted.org/fama/browser/membership-map.py. Also, automated authentication using dummy fas account to get location data from fas.
    4.Preferably Puppet managed.

Additional Info (Optional) :

A test instance is here: http://publictest15.fedoraproject.org/amb_map/ambassadors.html


It looks like this links to - http://www.openstreetmap.org/ Is that site completely free software and packaged in Fedora? Could we run that website on our own?

The app calls two api. One is openlayers which is packaged and good. Another is open street map api, which provides the data. [[BR]]
The site is licensed under cc-by-sa 2.0 generic which is compatible and acceptable licence with fedora. [[BR]]
I also asked Spot about this. He, too, has given go ahead in this regard.

Updation request.[[BR]]
Adding two files [[BR]]
1. icon[[BR]]
2. updated script[[BR]]

Location puppet/modules/membership-map

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