#1541 FEDORA-2009-7448 still in dist-f11-updates-testing despite bodhi stable push
Closed: Fixed None Opened 15 years ago by twaugh.

I don't understand what happened with this update:

It was pushed to stable on July 11th, and bodhi closed the associated bugs as ERRATA, but the package is still only in updates-testing:

$ koji latest-pkg dist-f11-updates-testing foomatic
Build Tag Built by

foomatic-4.0.2-3.fc11 dist-f11-updates-testing twaugh

I'll rebuild the package and issue a new update so that this broken update can be analysed to see what went wrong.

Assigning to lmacken.

It looks like these two updates are now obsolete by newer version, which have already hit stable.


$ koji latest-pkg dist-f11-updates foomatic
Build Tag Built by

foomatic-4.0.2-4.fc11 dist-f11-updates twaugh

$ koji latest-pkg dist-f11-updates system-config-printer
Build Tag Built by

system-config-printer-1.1.8-6.fc11 dist-f11-updates twaugh


I'll take a look and see if I can figure out why these never got tagged properly....

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