#1855 Hosting request for Fedora-tour
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by rrix.

Project name: Fedora-tour

Project short summary: Fedora-tour is a project to create an application that will give new and old users of Fedora a quick tour of the Fedora Project, Fedora Linux and their newly installed software after system installation. Our not-ready-for-public-consumption Wiki page is https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora-tour

SCM choice (git/bzr/hg/svn): git

Importing from another SCM? If yes, which? Fedorapeople.org. According to the wiki page on Fedorapeople the Git URL should be git://fedorapeople.org/~rrix/fedora-tour but cloning that is giving errors... looking into it.

Project admin Fedora Account System account name: rrix and ankursinha

Trac Instance? No

Mailing list(s)? No

Quick update; was curious if we could get a trac instance with this, too.

git clone ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/fedora-tour.git/


You've been made administrator of the FAS group gitfedora-tour and can add whoever you wish as a member.

You've also been made administrator of the trac instance and can grant TRAC_ADMIN to others if you want.

Let me know if anything doesn't work.

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