#2076 Hosting request for podbay
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by msolberg.

Project name: podbay

Project short summary: podbay leverages Cobbler, Spacewalk, and libvirt to implement an automated service catalog.

SCM choice (git/bzr/hg/svn): svn

Importing from another SCM? no

Project admin Fedora Account System account name: msolberg

Trac Instance? (Yes/No) Yes

Mailing list(s)? Yes. podbay-devel, podbay-users, podbay-announce




Hello - could you change the owner of the mailing lists to msolberg@redhat.com?



Did you receive the admin passwords in your email? You should be able to do this from the admin interface.

The email is listed as msolberg@fedoraproject.org, which normally gets forwarded onto msolberg@redhat.com, but for some reason the mailman passwords didn't. I can't seem to figure out how to check msolberg@fedoraproject.org.

The @fedoraproject.org is an alias, it should have forwarded the email to your @rh.c account.

Anyway, I'll look into getting this changed for you.

I've sent you an email with the new passwords, you should be able to use those to log into the web interface, and change the email to the correct one.

Let me know if you need anything else :)

@fedoraproject.org email addresses are just aliases that go to the email listed in fas however you need to me a member of a non cla group to have one. at the time that the email was send you likely were not a member of any other group seeing as this group your requesting is your first. We prefer you do not use non @fedoraproject.org email addresses for list management as it makes it easier for us to know who is managing the list. i just reset the passwords on all three lists you should get an email now

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