#2176 alias pruning for mspevack & gdk
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by mspevack.

= Change Requested =

Would you kindly remove mspevack from the press and freemedia aliases? I don't have anything to do with those at this point, and it's a lot of spam that I'd rather not get.

Furthermore, would you be kind enough to generate a list of any remaining aliases that either mspevack or gdk are getting mail from, so that those can be cleaned up if needed?


= Reasoning =

Two reasons:

(1) Max is trying to clean up and minimize his email.

(2) Max wants to make sure gdk@redhat.com stuff is removed/transitioned if needed.

nb@puppet01 ~/puppet/configs/system/smtp (master) $grep spevack aliases.template.erb
community-cloud: mspevack@redhat.com

nb@puppet01 ~/puppet/configs/system/smtp (master) $grep gdk aliases.template.erb

fudcon-cfp: jaboutboul, gdk, katzj, spot

gregdek: gdk

It appears this is already done, can we resolve this ticket?

This appears done. Can we resolve this ticket?

Trying the close first, ask questions later approach :-)

I think it's done, feel free to reopen if I'm mistaken.

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